Wednesday, 26 January 2011

PAS YB Nizar mengeluarkan fatwa syok sendiri yang tidak diiktiraf diTenang

This is a video I just found from

PAS Nizar has been known to make many derogatory statements against UMNO and its Leaders, this is among his worst against his fellow Muslims. 

For the PAS ardent supporters let it be known that orang UMNO itu orang Islam juga, apa kah hadis atau nas Al-Quran yang di rujuk oleh Nizar yang tidak ada kelayakan untuk memberi fatwa untuk berkata se kesat begitu.

Oklah saya hendak tanya Nizar, apakah fatwa beliau kalau kita mengundi hamba Allah ini:

DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng speaks at a political rally in Labis Tengah, January 25, 2011, while campaigning for PAS’s Tenang candidate, Normala Sudirman. — Picture by Choo Choy May

Dapat Pahala atau Dosa?

I have said many times that Religion should not be used as a tool by politicians of both sides of the political divide to garner votes from the constituent. In fact, I think it is about time that the Registrar of Societies have a second look at political parties using the name of any religion, the practise should stop and parties like PAS should be ordered to change its name. 

PAS bukan Islam punya dan Islam bukan PAS punya.

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