Saturday, 10 July 2010

Islamic State, PAS-YES, DAP-NO but PKR well don't know what Anwar think

The fall out from the very public disagreement between the DAP and PAS is still very much in the air despite what Anwar Ibrahim has to say about it:


PAS-DAP dispute does not affect opposition pact, says Anwar
FRI, 09 JUL 2010 22:01

KUALA TERENGGANU: PKR adviser Anwar Ibrahim said the dispute between PAS and DAP leaders over certain matters would not affect harmony in the opposition pact.

He said PAS, DAP and PKR had reached an understanding over policy matters involving administration, Islam as the federal religion and the position of the Syariah Court.

"There are differences in opinion over certain matters and these can be resolved through discussions," he said after opening a seminar on "New Hope for Malaysia" (Seminar Harapan Baru Untuk Malaysia - SEHARUM) 2010 for Terengganu PKR leaders, here, today.

He said the disagreement between PAS spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat and DAP chairman Karpal Singh over the Islamic state issue was deliberately raised by the opposition's enemies to create friction among the opposition allies.

"This issue had been there for 20 years now and it has not affected the opposition. We could see this from the results of the Kuala Terengganu and Sibu by-elections," he said, adding that a meeting involving the three parties was also held each week.

Anwar, who is also the Permatang Pauh MP, said the opposition was gearing its members in preparing for the next general election, including strengthening its position in Melaka, Negri Sembilan and Johor.

He said besides PKR, PAS and DAP were also stronger in these three states now compared to before the 2008 general election.

- Bernama

I do not think that the heat between the DAP and PAS has come down but I do believe that it has gone up by a few notches. PKR has lost 4 Parliamentary seats it now has only 27 seats, DAP have a lot more, in fact by common parliamentary democratic standard Lim Kit Siang or Lim Guan Eng should be Opposition Leader. So Anwar is Leader of Opposition with the blessings of the DAP only, hence if DAP is wrestling with PAS on core political issues Anwar might as well stay on the sideline and try to contain the damage as he would not have any power to prevail over DAP or PAS in this issue. Anyway, I have not heard any clear and precise comments from Anwar whether he supports PAS or DAP in this Islamic state issue. By the way the BN did not bring this matter up, DAP did, OK Anwar.

Here is what Pemuda PAS have to say:

Karpal sakitkan hati - Pemuda Pas


KUALA LUMPUR 9 Julai - Kenyataan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh yang mempertikaikan usaha menubuhkan negara Islam oleh Pas amat menyakitkan hati pemimpin serta seluruh ahli Pas.

Sehubungan itu, Ketua Dewan Pemuda Pas (DPP), Nasrudin Hasan meminta pemimpin utama DAP itu tidak lagi membangkitkan isu tersebut kerana dikhuatiri ia boleh merosakkan keharmonian antara Pas dan DAP di dalam pakatan pembangkang.

Pada masa sama beliau turut meminta semua pemimpin DAP tidak mendokong pendirian Karpal itu demi kerjasama yang telah terjalin antara semua parti pembangkang dalam satu pakatan.

''Seperti mana kata Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, isu ini tidak akan berbangkit sekiranya Karpal menghormati dasar perjuangan yang dibawa oleh Pas. Pas dan DAP mempunyai dasarnya masing-masing dan seharusnya ia dihormati antara satu sama lain.

''Lagipun Pas selama ini tidak pernah mempertikaikan dasar yang dibawa oleh DAP. Pas menghormati dasar perjuangan mereka dan sepatutnya mereka juga perlu menghormati dasar perjuangan Pas. Ini yang dinamakan adil,'' katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Nik Abdul Aziz di muka depan Utusan Malaysia hari ini menyifatkan tindakan Karpal meminta Pas menghormati pendirian DAP yang menolak konsep negara Islam sebagai tidak betul.

Ini kerana, jelas Nik Abdul Aziz, Pas dan pakatan pembangkang lain telah lama menyetujui dasar perjuangan parti itu sebelum membina pakatan untuk menghadapi Barisan Nasional (BN).

Tegas Nik Abdul Aziz, Pas akan tetap dengan dasar negara Islam yang diperjuangkan oleh parti itu sekiranya pakatan pembangkang menerajui kerajaan Pusat.

Ia sebagai reaksi terhadap kenyataan Karpal sebelum ini yang telah meminta Pas menghormati DAP berhubung pendirian parti itu menolak konsep negara Islam.

Dalam perkembangan sama, Nasrudin berkata, pendirian dan dasar Pas tidak pernah berubah iaitu Islam akan terus menjadi dasar perjuangan parti walaupun menjadi salah satu anggota pakatan pembangkang.

''Sebagai barisan hadapan parti, DPP akan tetap mempertahankan dasar Islam yang kita bawa. Islam terus menjadi asas perjuangan kami dan ia tidak akan berubah sampai bila-bila,'' katanya.

Nasrudin dalam perkembangan berkaitan percaya kenyataan Karpal itu tetap bersifat peribadi dan bukannya DAP secara keseluruhan.

''Saya lihat secara positifnya kenyataan Karpal ini tidak disambut oleh pemimpin-pemimpin DAP yang lain. Bagi saya ia adalah kenyataan Karpal semata-mata,'' katanya.

Alamak Pemuda PAS ini pun cakap berbelit belit dan berpintal pintal lah. Kalau kawan-kawan parti lain sudah setuju dengan dasar PAS, kenapa DAP asyik menaikkan isu ini. It is plain to see that there is a divergent view between PAS and DAP on the Islamic state issue, everybody in Malaysia can see that.

Please stop saying that it is Karpal Singh's personal view that he does not accept an Islamic State. Karpal is DAP Chairman Ok and the silence from other DAP members means approval to what Karpal said so do not kid yourself lah Pemuda PAS. We are not stupid OK.

The Question in many people's mind is what does PAS wants to do after this, just play dumb and dumber and just follow what DAP says as usual? After all the DAP which is now becoming more evangelist centric especially so after the win in Sibu which Kit Siang calls a "miracle" is now officially the biggest political party in the loose Pakatan Coalition. So the way I see it PAS which is the smallest party (by MP count) do not really have much choice in Pakatan.

Ke mana arah tuju PAS yang sekarang macam tidak tentu arah ini. Beranikah PAS membawa hala tuju sendiri tanpa kawan-kawan yang tidak sehaluan dengan objektif asas Parti PAS?

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