Monday, 19 July 2010

Anwar Sodomy Trial: Alamak tangguh lagi but Kudos to YA Hakim


This is the latest court transcript of the sodomy trials dated 19 July 2010 taken from the blog Recorded Truth 19 July 2010. Seems the trial is set to go for the whole of the month of August. No more delays. William Gladstone says "Justice Delayed is Justice Denied".

Original Post:

Latest news from Utusan man inside the WP Courts today 19 July 2010:

- Mahkamah membuat keputusan setelah mendengar permohonan penangguhan kes yang dibuat oleh peguam bela Anwar, Datuk Param Cumaraswamy untuk menangguhkan kes kepada 2 Ogos.

- Menurut Hakim Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd. Diah, mahkamah akan meneruskan perbicaraan pada 2 Ogos dan tidak mahu menangguhkan lagi kes perbicaraan Anwar ini.

- Salah seorang peguam bela Anwar, Sankaran Nair ketika bercakap kepada pemberita di sini berkata, sekiranya Karpal masih belum pulih maka salah seorang daripada peguam bela Anwar akan mengambil alih tugas Karpal selaku peguam bela utama.

Well there you are folks, speculations that the Anwar sodomy trials will be postponed due to Mr Karpal's ill health have come true. Today, Anwar gets a 2 weeks postponement. I hope that Mr Karpal my favourite Khalsa warrior who turned 70 last week will get well soon, having said that a formidable defence team having the likes of Datuk Param Cumaraswamy in their midst will be more than capable to defend Anwar if Mr Karpal do not recover completely.

A quote from Sir P. Hastings:

"There is one essential feature in every trial that is only too well forgotten. In the interest of the community the one matter of importance is that all parties should be satisfied that they have had a fair and impartial trial"

Kudos to YA Datuk Mohamad Zabidin, as the trial judge in the ongoing Anwar sodomy trial, it is clear that he is making sure that Anwar gets a fair and impartial trial.


gram.kong said...


Well, we all know the real reason for Anwar repeatedly asking for postponement.He thinks he may lose the case.

This charade will continue until a judge put his foot down and say no more.

eddy said...
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eddy said...

Bro HL, I think the judge has done a credible job facing the onslaught of Anwar's formidable team of very senior lawyers. I think he wants to ensure that the trial is seen to be fair and impartial. He has however given a precondition that August 2010 will be spent for the sodomy trial with or without Karpal Singh.

This means the judge is saying no more to the excuses..August is judgement month for Anwar Ibrahim as the Prosecution will be able to close its case by then and the Judge will decide whether or not there is a prima facie case to answer.

Anonymous said...

This is pure contempt and total abuse of justice.

In the previous case, the late Judge was ridiculed for things "irrelevant".

This time round, every lame and fake excuses are accepted.

Let's bet. The infamous neck brace, wheel chair, heart attack stunts will sooner or later take the scene.

Film producers are having a field day with this "reality show".

Bravos, to a judiciary sought after by criminals.


eddy said...

Bro AGMDN, I do believe this Judge is a fair and impartial man, when he gives his judgement I believe it will be difficult to appeal.