Friday, 30 July 2010

BAN the DAP says MP YB Zul Nordin

Its not everyday that you have a Member of Parliament who calls for the banning of a political party in Malaysia.

Posting by YB Zul:

29 JULY 2010

Salam 2 all.

Cadangan mutakhir pemimpin DAP, Tony Pua, Ahli Parlimen DAP (PJ Utara) untuk memansuhkan diskaun bumiputra dalam sektor tertentu pembangunan sekali lagi membuktikan sikap cauvinis, rasis, anti Melayu dan anti perlembagaan yang dianuti oleh kepimpinan DAP. Dan yang paling malang, orang Melayu saperti Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim boleh bersetuju dengan cadangan bodoh saperti itu.

Persoalannya bukan isu diskaun bumiputra, tetapi soal prinsip perlembagaan dan keharmonian kaum yang telah dibina sekian lama. Perkara berkaitan hak istimewa Melayu telah tercatat dengan jelas didalam Perlembagaan dan tidak perlu dikupas. Dan ini adalah antara formula kepada perpaduan dan keharmonian agama dan kaum selama ini.

Kepimpinan DAP kini semakin angkuh dan kurang ajar didalam mempersoalkan perkara asasi Perlembagaan. Mereka seolah-olah lupa sikap cauvinis dan rasis yang mereka amalkan adalah punca terjadi rusuhan kaum 1969. Dan bila kita mengingatkan supaya peristiwa hitam 13 Mei itu dijadikan iktibar, maka pemimpin DAP lah antara yang paling bising menyalak mendesak supaya peristiwa itu tidak diungkit-ungkit lagi. Kerana apa? Kerana mereka tidak mahu rakyat khususnya generasi baru mengetahui sejarah hitam mereka!!

Saya membaca lapuran Majlis Gerakan Negara (NOC) bertarikh Oktober 1969 yang membutirkan secara terperinci apa sebenarnya yang berlaku sebelum 13 Mei 1969. Kenyataan saperti "Melayu sudah tidak berkuasa", "ini negeri bukan Melayu punya", "halau Melayu keluar" dan macam-macam lagi yang dibuat selepas DAP memenangi beberapa kerusi di Selangor akhirnya mencetuskan perasaan marah orang Melayu dan berakhir dengan peristiwa berdarah itu. Dan ada antara petualang DAP yang aktif pada masa itu masih hidup dan melalak kesana kemari hari ini.

Kalau tahun 1969 mereka tidak mendapat sokongan orang Melayu, tetapi hari ini bukan sahaja Melayu haprak, pak janggoat-pak janggoat pun turut menyokong mereka. Maka bertambah besarlah kepala mereka, makin menjadi-jadi kesombongan mereka. Tambah pulak ada Melayu yang tergamak menawarkan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri kepada puak-puak cauvinis ini. Hanya kerana nafsu serakah mahu menduduki Putrajaya!! Dan yang lebih teruk, Melayu haprak dan pak janggoat-pak janggoat inoi disamatarafkan dengan sahabat Nabi saw!!

Cuba bayangkan kalau tahun 1969, lebih 40 tahun lepas, mereka meraikan kemenangan kecil itu dengan memaki hamun dan menghina bangsa Melayu, cuba bayangkan apa yang akan mereka lakukan kalau mereka menguasai kerajaan persekutuan, apatah lagi menjawat jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri!! Tengok sendiri apa yang mereka buat di Pulau Pinang, Selangor, dan buat seketika di Perak. Dan yang paling malang, ada orang Melayu yang sanggup bersekongkol dengan pelampau-pelampau cauvinis dan rasis ini.

Dan ada antara Melayu haprak ini yang sanggup menipu diri sendiri dengan mendakwa persekongkolan ini adalah demi dakwah dan mendekatkan DAP kepada Islam. Apa yang saya nampak, mereka yang makin lama makin terikut-ikut rentak DAP. DAP semakin tegar dengan semangat anti Islam dan anti Melayunya. Kenyataan terbaru "mursyidul am" DAP Karpal Singh menolak sama sekali gagasan penubuhan negara Islam jelas membuktikan DAP masih dengan sikapnya. Dan ini sepatutnya sudah cukup menyedarkan bangsa Melayu yang beragama Islam bahawa mereka sedang bermain dengan api apabila rela diperkudakan oleh kafir harbi ini. Tetapi tidakn segelintir bangsa Melayu ini sanggup sekali lagi menipu diri sendiri dengan mendakwa kenyataan Karpal itu adalah kenyataan peribadi dan bukan pendirian DAP. Betapalah bangsa yang punya Al Quran ditangannya boleh menjadi begitu bodoh! Memang kebodohan itu bukan suatu jenayah, tetapi kebodohan itu akan membawa kemusnahan kepada agama, bangsa dan tanahair sendiri!!

Pada saya sikap cauvinis, rasis, ala komunis, anti Melayu, anti Islam dan anti Perlembagaan kepimpinan DAP ini semakin melampau. Hari demi hari mereka mengasak umat Islam dan orang Melayu dengan pelbagai isu. Daripada isu tanah, isu biasiswa, isu hak istimewa, kini menular kepada mempertikaikan institusi Islam, Raja-Raja Melayu, badan kehakiman, Polis DiRaja Malaysia, SPRM, SPR, Mahkamah Syariah membawa kepada isu-isu negara Islam, kalimah ALLAH dan lain-lain.

Sekiranya tidak dibendung segera, saya yakin sikap melampau kepimpinan DAP ini akan menjadi barah kepada kestabilan dan keharmonian agama dan kaum yang telah lama kita nikmati selama ini.

Atas alasan itu, saya percaya sudah tiba masanya kita bertindak tegas terhadap kepimpinan DsAP ini. Saya mencadangkan supaya Pendaftar Pertubuhan mengambil tindakan untuk membatalkan pendaftaran parti DAP ini, ianya hendaklah diisytiharkan sebuah pertubuhan haram yang membahayakan rakyat dan negara ini. Rakyat Malaysia tidak memerlukan kepimpinan yang cauvinis, rasis, berfikiran ala komunis, anti Melayu, anti Islam dan anti Perlembagaan saperti DAP. Meminjam kata-kata Presiden Ahmadinejad, "kepimpinan DAP ini wajib dihapuskan daripada peta politik negara ini"!!


Zulkifli Bin Noordin
18 Sya'ban 1431
29 Julai 2010

YB Zul's call may gain momentum if the DAP keep up with its perceived multi-pronged provocations on questioning Malay/Bumi rights as enshrined in the Perlembagaan and its other questionable actions and deeds in states where it has political control such as Pulau Pinang and Selangor and for a very short while in Perak.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Tun Dr Ling charged in sessions court today 29 July 2010

July 29, 2010 18:50 PM

Dr Ling Charged With Cheating Malaysian Government

PUTRAJAYA, July 29 (Bernama) -- A former transport minister and once MCA president Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik was charged in the Sessions Court here Thursday with cheating the Malaysian government by misleading the Cabinet on the land acquisition for the Mega Distribution Hub project in Port Klang.

Dr Ling, 67, who held the post of transport minister for 14 years from January 1986 until May 2000, pleaded not guilty to a principal charge and an alternative charge under Section 418 and Section 417 of the Penal Code.

Judge Suzana Hussin granted bail of RM1 million with one surety. The court also fixed Sept 3 for mention of the case.

Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail headed the prosecution team, assisted by the Head of the Prosecution Division, Datuk Tun Majid Tun Hamzah, Dzulkifli Ahmad and Manoj Kurup while Dr Ling was represented by counsel Datuk R.R. Sethu.

Journalists and photographers, who had been waiting at the court grounds since morning following news that a dignitary would be charged, only knew the identity of the VIP when Dr Ling arrived at 4.36pm together with his wife, Toh Puan Ena Ling.

Wearing a blue striped shirt, Dr Ling entered the court at 4.43pm and straight away sat in the dock for the accused.


PAS - UMNO Unity Talks....any takers?

Bukan main bongkak dan berlagak Parti Islam SeMalaysia(PAS) ini ya. Apabila UMNO tunjuk minat yang gigih untuk berbincang mengenai perpaduan Ummah dengan PAS, bukan main lagi segelintir pemimpin mereka mencerca dan menghina bukan sahja kalangan pemimpin UMNO, hingga ulamak Islam saperti Tan Sri Harussani, Mufti Negeri Perak yang hanya mahu menjadi orang tengah pun di belasah tanpa segan silu bergilir-gilir oleh "ustaz-ustaz" dan "lebai-lebai" PAS saperti Mahfuz, Khalid, Salahuddin, Nik Aziz dan terbaru Hj Hadi. Rasanya tidak baik kita menunjuk-nunjuk sangat keangkuhan sesama orang Islam.

Presiden PAS: ‘Mufti Perak hanya orang kecil, saya tak mahu layan’

Oleh Syed Mu’az Syed Putra July 29, 2010 (MI)

KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Julai — Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menyifatkan Mufti Perak Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria sebagai “orang kecil” yang mahu “mengusik” parti Islam itu supaya menerima idea kerjasama perpaduan dengan Umno.

“Biarlah (Harussani) hendak cakap apa pun, beliau hanya nak usik PAS sahaja.

“Lagipun beliau hanya orang kecil, saya tidak mahu layan beliau,” kata Hadi.

Beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Marang membayangkan PAS tetap dengan pendirian bersama Pakatan Rakyat, sebagaimana telah pun diputuskan pada muktmar-muktamar lalu.

“PAS tetap tiada apa-apa, jadi biarkan sahaja.

“Saya tidak mahu komen lagi pasal perkara ini,” kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider mengulas pendedahan terbaru Harussani bahawa adanya pemimpin-pemimpin PAS selain Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Datuk Dr Hasan Ali yang menemuinya bagi membincangkan soal perpaduan orang Melayu dan Islam.

Harussani bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan identiti pemimpin tersebut bagi mengelakkan keadaan bertambah buruk.

Sementara itu, Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man pula menegaskan PAS tetap tidak akan bekerjasama dengan Umno sampai bila-bila masa.

“Kita tetap tidak akan mengadakan sebarang perbincangan mengenai kerjasama dengan Umno. Jadi Umno perlu faham, tidak perlu nak terus ajak PAS.

“Selain itu, kita juga tidak pernah memberikan mandat kepada sesiapa pun untuk bincang soal kerjasama itu dengan Harussani.

“Mungkin pemimpin PAS yang dikatakan Harussani berjumpa dengannya atas tiket diri sendiri bukan parti,” tegas Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor ini.

Sebelum ini, Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat tetap dengan pendiriannya menolak sebarang perbincangan atau kerjasama dengan Umno kerana menganggap parti itu telah menyimpang daripada perjuangan Islam.

Malah Nik Aziz mengulangi bahawa Umno terus menunjukkan minat mahu membincangkan kerjasama dengan PAS selepas menyedari kedudukannya menjadi lemah pada pilihan raya umum ke-12 dua tahun lalu.

Pendirian Nik Aziz itu turut ditekankan menerusi satu kenyataan semalam.

Selain itu, dua naib presiden PAS Datuk Mahfuz Omar dan Salahuddin Ayub menegaskan, pihaknya tidak pernah memutuskan untuk meminta Harussani agar menguruskan pertemuan Umno-PAS bagi membincangkan penyatuan orang Melayu dan Islam.

Apa sudah jadi dengan PAS sekarang agaknya saya sendiri tidak dapat faham. Bukan kah ugama Islam mengajar kita supaya berbaik-baik dan tidak bermusuhan diantara satu sama lain. Kenapakah disebabkan fahaman politik berbeza kita tidak membenarkan diri kita untuk duduk semeja diantara kita untuk berbincang mengenai perpaduan ummah.

Dahulu pemimpin PAS kata wanita tidak boleh jadi wakil rakyat, sekarang boleh. Dahulu mereka kata UMNO kafir sebab bersekongkol dengan MCA dan MIC. Sekarang mereka bersekongkol dibawah DAP yang nyata tidak terima langsung sebuah Negara Islam yang di idam-idam kan ahli PAS, boleh pula mereka bersekongkol dan menerima arahan DAP tanpa banyak bantahan. Permainan politik oportunis PAS yang berubah-ubah mengikut keadaan politik semasa, sedar atau tidak sedar ini tidak akan membawa untung kepada umat Islam diMalaysia langsung. Lihat sahaja di Selangor dimana tempat urut dan maksiat sudah bertambah lebih 200 peratus semenjak Pakatan memerintah, ada PAS buat apa-apa...tidak ada, kenapa? diam diatas semangat kepakatan kah, diam didalam masyarakat kita bermakna setuju.

Maka soalan saya ialah bagai mana pemimpin PAS hendak membawa negara kita ini menjadi sebuah negara Islam jika parti mereka hanyalah sebuah parti komponen kenit didalam Pakatan yang dengan terang dan bersuluh dipimpin oleh DAP parti chauvinist masa kini. PKR saya tak kiralah sebab parti PKR kini caca merba tidak ada ideologi, dibentuk hanya untuk menjadikan Anwar Ibrahim Perdana Menteri dengan apa cara sekali pun sahaja.

Lest PAS forget where they really are, this is a good excerpt from the blog

"the Malays have for a long time identified themselves with UMNO, some with PAS. UMNO has been the traditional symbol and bastion of Malay rights and interests. Only after the disenchantment with Tun Abdullah’s government did PAS gain more ground and PKR get a noticeable portion of Malay votes.

Many of the Malays who abstained from voting or voted others during PRU12 did so in retaliation or out of frustration at Tun Abdullah’s 5 years of actions or non-actions. Many have in recent times admitted their mistake in doing so, have now realised that the alternative they voted for is no better, and those who wanted to teach Abdullah a lesson no longer see it necessary as Abdullah is no longer in power."

Yes PAS must always keep in their mind that it is only stronger when UMNO is weak and last election under Tun Abdullah, UMNO was obviously wounded and weak which calls in question his decision to call an election in March 2008 but that would be another story some other time altogether. PAS should be careful not to believe too much in their own publicity that they have gained the Malay/Muslim ground, PAS is only strong in Kelantan and Kedah. That is all.

Whether Malaysians like it or not we still practise communal politics, as long as we have a multi language multi type schools system and the powers that be keep delaying implementing the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua system, let there be no doubt that communal politics is here to stay for a very long time. As such if PAS is not interested no need to be like "perigi mencari timba", in fact UMNO should keep faith in BN being a unity of the multiracial group UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PBB, SUPP, PBS, LDP, PBRS, UPKO,SPDP and PRS refer

UMNO is the foundation where BN stands. Do not underestimate UMNO, under Najib with Muhyiddin at the helm they are regaining strength and doing so quietly and with minimal publicity. It is therefore better for UMNO to carry on strengthening unity among its Leaders and members first and foremost and eliminate rent seeking among members for Government Projects. Things like having automatic qualification for Puteri members to the Wanita Wing will be very helpful. Get more Professionals and teachers and the young ones to join UMNO, make it easy for people to join UMNO as easy as getting a credit card nowadays. Above all these UMNO/BN must get ready the most suitable and the best qualified candidates for each constituencies in the the next GE, that will be the key for success in the next elections and the elections after that in the future.

After all that, I am quietly confident that with the measures put in place by the ruling BN Government, they will still win the next GE with or without PAS, probably even taking back Selangor and Kedah but maybe lose Terengganu, the days of the 2/3rd majority is long gone however, which is good news for check and balance. Good for us Malaysians.

As for PAS, I think within the next 2 years the DAP being the biggest party in the loose coalition of Pakatan will be slowly but surely showing their true chauvinist colours (DAPniks just can't control themselves when they have power can they), PAS itself despite the push by its aging and should-retire Spiritual Leader and the Erdogan faction will be forced look deep into itself to see whether it fits its Pakatan minor tail wagging role or whether it is better politically for them to sit out both the BN and the loose Pakatan and become an independent strong political grouping ready to strike at any opportunity which might come their way in the next GE. The small Liberal Democrats made it big in the last UK elections, PAS having modeled itself as an adept politically opportunistic party could do the same. I do not know.

Whatever it is until and unless the older PAS members with historical baggage to carry against UMNO retires and disappears into the sunset, the unity talks between PAS and UMNO will have to be placed at the back of the queue. Way back!

Jho Low: Young Malaysian made good

There has been so much publicity about the Pulau Pinang born Malaysian Millionaire Jho Low partying all over the globe, some good some bad some even down right racist. This is a news article from TheStar interview from the horse's mouth himself so to speak, he even mentioned about his big boo-boo when he wrote an article praising and recommending Enron stocks before the company folded up. Have a read of the quite candid interview and we could be enlighthened and draw some lessons from what he has achieved at such a young age:

Jho Low reveals the business behind the parties

July 29, 2010 (MI)

he young Malaysian who has been making headlines around the globe for his partying ways has revealed he started managing millions at the age of 20 and now handles a US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion) fund.

Low Taek Jho told The Star in an exclusive interview published today that
he took a semester off from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 1992 to start an investment fund called The Wynton Group with US$25 million from his family and nine other investors made up of schoolmates from the Middle East.

“We started out with mainly portfolio investments around the world. Subsequently, we decided to move from just buying and selling public shares to private equity.

“As of today, Wynton’s investments stands at in excess of US$1 billion. When I started the company when I was still in university, I had a SOHO, home-office type concept. Subsequently, it was formalised and we had offices in Malaysia, Singapore and headquarters in the British Virgin Islands,” the Penang-born told The Star.

The Arab-speaking Low added that the group is now relocating its headquarters to Abu Dhabi.

“I have a lot of close friends and good contacts in Abu Dhabi. In particular, I am very good friends with His Excellency Yousef Al Otaiba, who is formerly the director of international relations at the Crown Prince’s court and he is currently the ambassador for UAE to [the] US and Mexico. Yousef is the son of Dr Mana Al Otaiba who is the first oil minister for the UAE.

“I think the great thing between Abu Dhabi and Malaysia is that they have really committed a lot to Malaysia and I think it is not only what we can see from the press on the G-to-G (government-to-government) level but even at the private business levels. There is a lot of trust from them with respect to local Malaysian companies operating in Abu Dhabi especially in the construction sector,” said the third son of Penang businessman Datuk Danny Low.

But Low remains on the board of UBG Berhad as group advisor and non-independent, non-executive director since 2008. He is also group advisor to several international corporations involved in global private equity, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), buy outs, government-to-government offset structured investments, and financing.

He also pointed out that his businesses are run without using a website or social networking sites like Twitter.

“No, that’s definitely not mine,” he said when asked whether he owned the website

“I don’t have a Twitter account and I do not have a website either. But I notice that many websites and blog sites have my name on it. But they’re not mine,” Low added.

In the interview with The Star, Low revealed his personal background, where education and sports played the central role.

“I was a state swimmer. I swam the backstroke for my primary Union school,” he said when the discussion turned to him being described as chubby by the international media. He weighs 88kg and stand 170cm tall.

Low said he remained a swimmer until arriving in the US in 2000, where he began eating huge portions like an American. He had earlier described having an ordinary childhood in Penang until he was 16-years old when his parents sent him to study in Harrow School, which boasts of having educated seven British prime ministers.

Low said he cherished his years in Penang but readily admitted “that in terms of maturing into a business person” was from the time he was at Harrow till the Wharton School of Business.

Known more for being in the company of celebrities such as Paris Hilton and comedian Jamie Foxx, the 28-year-old said his business came from being “at the right time and meeting the right people coupled with a trusting relationship”.

“There were a few key relationships which I started to develop there. Harrow had lots of children of prominent European, Asian and Middle Eastern families. That’s when I met the former King of Jordan’s son among others.

“That time was a very important time for me. That’s when I felt that I built the core foundation of contacts for the future. That’s quite important, because that’s when you know them as friends and you build the trust level for the future as opposed to meeting someone during the course of your business life,” he said.

Low went to Wharton immediately after Harrow where he expanded his network of friends and relationships between 2000 and 2005, when he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics, majoring in Finance.

“Throughout the course of 1998 to 2005, it turned out to be a key development period. I believe in hard work and persistence,” he said.

Low noted that he wrote “a couple of articles for the Wharton journal. Some recommendations turned out well, some were terrible” when asked the reasons for picking energy company Enron which later failed.

“I didn’t buy Enron although I wrote a stock pick on it which turned out to be a terrible recommendation. And through these experiences, we learnt to be better investors.

“Continuing from the previous question, I wouldn’t chose a particular stock as a best stock as Wharton educates you to look at a diverse portfolio.
At the end of the day, it is about managing risk adjusted returns through diversification,” he said.

He also spoke passionately about business for Malaysians in the Middle East.

“I see a lot of opportunities for Malaysians, especially in the Middle East, just purely because there is so much liquidity and capital and vice versa from Middle East to Malaysia, which is where my interest is.

“Ultimately, I am Malaysian. I am one who does not forget my country or my state. And I think there is a lot we can do for Malaysia. But first, you must build the trust of your investors and then you need to deliver what you promised to investors,” Low said.

I like this guy at least this is one Malaysian who have been globe trotting and never forgets his roots. So anybody interested to send their sons to Harrow and Wharton? I would, unfortunately I do not have that big money to spend out of my pocket.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

MCA tells Government to review the "take or pay" IPP pacts

Dr Chua MCA President is on a roll and UMNO/BN must heed his call, this is a most reasonable call:

About time to review IPP pacts, says MCA

By Clara Chooi July 27, 2010(MI)

MCA today asserted that “it was about time” for the government to review power purchase pacts with Independent Power Producers (IPPs), echoing a view similar to that of the Pakatan Rakyat’s.

Party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said today that the power pacts compelled Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) to purchase any energy generated by the IPPs, even though it was unnecessary. [Take or Pay Contract]

“In short, they (the government) must look at the compulsory purchase of power from these plants for whatever they generate, the TNB has to buy. The time has also come to review the cost imposed on the TNB,” he said in a press conference after chairing the party’s presidential council meeting here this evening.

Dr Chua said the government needed to manage the country’s finances better and reduce leakages in the system.

He said that while the MCA fully supported the bid to scrap subsidies, it was of the belief that this should be done in stages and with proper consideration given to those in the lower income bracket.

“We approve of the effort to scrap subsidies but the first condition is that it should be done in stages. Perhaps over the next two or three years.

“The subsidy system should be focussed in such a way that it brings benefits to those in the lower income bracket and not to be equal for all,” he said.

In the government’s latest move to reduce subsidies, the prices of RON95 and diesel rates were raised by five sen while subsidies for RON97 were removed completely. The price of natural gas (LPG) rose by 10 sen while the price of sugar increased by 25 sen per kilogramme.

Dr Chua also called on the government to explain to the people how it planned to spend the RM750 million in savings from the recent subsidy reductions.

“How they plan to spend the savings must be told to the people... it must be spent in such a way that it benefits the people. The government should tell the people,” he said.

He said the government should ensure the country’s public transportation system was developed as soon as possible, as a method to justify its bid to remove subsidies.

“Not only in the Klang Valley but also in other areas like in Penang, Johor, Sandakan, Kuching and Ipoh,” he said.

Dr Chua you are the man....

Like many Malaysians, I am not a great fan of the IPPs ever since its inception, I think its too taxing for the rakyat who will ultimately pay for their bill in the form of higher electricity charges. I like many Malaysians would like to see the IPP Gas subsidies taken away first before we the ordinary folks suffer the direct subsidy cuts. The IPP owners have been getting far too fat and rich on the people’s expense for at least 10 years now, enough is enough. This has to stop, the sooner the more votes BN will recover from Pakatan.

It may be the best way to help Malaysia generate additional electricity 10 years ago but the
"take or pay" of some of the earlier IPP contracts with the TNB (and therefore us Malaysians) is NOT reasonable and has outlived its usefulness and must be scrapped as it is a ludicrous system that I think will never be implemented anywhere else in the world.

Dr Chua is being very diplomatic with his words but let us be forthright and tell the Present BN Government to do away with the IPP contracts immediately and let TNB buy over the contract if needed be. I believe TNB could run the IPPs as efficient and charge a lower cost for the electricity it produced. Anything Good for us Malaysians transform to votes for the BN. BN mahu menang Besar Pilihanraya kan?

"FDI crashing because investors lost faith?": DAP whiz kid Tony Pua caught spinning with wrong data?

I must say that Freedom of speech in Malaysia is encouraging and heartening but in the same light politicians, especially a self proclaimed economist like Johor born young DAP Tony Pua who has a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University thus being an Oxford old boy he should be more careful when he uses economic numbers to whack the BN Government though. First here is what Tony has to say:

FDI crashing because investors lost faith, says DAP
By Boo Su-Lyn July 25, 2010(MI)

KUALA LUMPUR, July 25 — A lack of confidence in Malaysia’s economy has driven foreign direct investment (FDI) to our neighbours, leaving the once-roaring “Asian tiger” to compete with Indochina countries, the DAP said today.The World Foreign Investment Report (WIR) 2010 released by the United Nations showed that FDI in Malaysia plunged 81 per cent last year, trailing behind countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore.

“For the first time ever in history, Malaysia attracted less investment than the Philippines,” DAP national publicity secretary Tony Pua said in a statement today.Pua pointed out that Malaysia was the only Asean country to experience negative FDI flow in 2009.The Philippines attracted US$1.95 billion (RM6.24 billion) in FDI compared to Malaysia’s US$1.38 billion, while Singapore raked in the most — more than US$16 billion.

“Among Southeast Asian nations, we are now only attracting more FDI than Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei, Laos and Timor-Leste,” added Pua.“What was previously unimaginable, that we may one day be compared to countries such as Cambodia and Myanmar, is now a real possibility,” said the Petaling Jaya Utara MP, pointing out that those countries had also attracted less than US$2 billion in FDIs last year.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been trying to lift Malaysia’s profile as a destination for foreign investment to help the country achieve an average gross domestic product (GDP) growth of at least six per cent per annum over the next five years.

But Malaysia’s FDI rates have fallen faster than other regional players like Singapore and China, and at the same time capital outflows have dampened private domestic investments.The Najib administration has also warned that the economy may slow down in the second half of the year due to external factors but have insisted that a six per cent growth was still achievable.Today, Pua also said that Malaysia had suffered the biggest decline of FDI in Southeast Asia from 2008 till 2009.

“The government cannot use the excuse of the (global financial) crisis as the reason for the precipitous drop in FDI as we have performed the worst compared to all other countries big and small in the region,” said Pua.Data revealed that Malaysia suffered a large 81.1 per cent drop in FDIs compared to far healthier figures in Thailand (30.4 per cent), Vietnam (44.1 per cent) and Indonesia (44.7 per cent).

However, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines and Myanmar still managed to register positive growth, said Pua.Pua, also DAP’s chief economist, pointed out that Malaysia was the sole Southeast Asian nation to have registered a net negative FDI flow last year.

Najib was criticised for stalling on the NEM.“Malaysia was the only country where our outflow of FDI amounting to US$8.04 billion is substantially greater than the FDI of US$1.38 billion received,” said Pua.

“Not only are foreign investors unwilling to invest in Malaysia, our own local investors as well as foreign investors who are already in the country have a total lack of confidence in the ability of our economy to generate an attractive return to their investments,” added Pua.

He pointed out that Malaysia’s net FDI flows have declined from US$2.56 billion in 2004 and US$1.09 billion (2005), to a net negative US$0.02 billion (2006), negative US$2.7 billion (2007) and negative US$7.67 billion in 2008.“Despite Datuk Seri Najib repeatedly insisting that the era where ‘the government knows best’ is over, his administration continues to crowd out private investments by directly awarding mega-projects to government-linked entities, such as the Sungai Buloh land to an Employee Provident Fund joint venture with the government, or the Sungai Besi airport redevelopment, to the 1 Malaysia Development Fund,” said Pua.

“Without these necessary and critical changes to the government’s economic policies, the Malaysian economy will only continue to drift away from the radar of both local and foreign investors,” he added.Pua went on to criticise Najib for not moving ahead with his New Economic Model, pointing out the prime minister had been forced to call it a “trial balloon” after a sour reaction from some Malay groups.

Do check the numbers Tony our FDI inflow for 2009 is USD6.48 billion substantially more than the USD1.38 billion you quoted from that Gwai lo's(WIR) report. Have more faith in our countrylah YB.

This is a report from MIDA the Malaysian Industrial Development Authorithy which approves and monitor FDIs in Malaysia. Readers, please read the Facts and Figures carefully.

After Tony Pua's tirade against the BN Government based on such presumptious figures, Mr. Calvin Sankaran a constant critic of the DAP Guan Eng led Pulau Pinang Government, came out the next day to rebut young Tony Pua:

FDI plunge: UNCTAD’s data for Malaysia is wrong — Calvin Sankaran

JULY 27 (MI)

The World Investment Report (WIR) 2010 issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which reported a very significant plunge in Malaysian’s FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in 2009, has been a godsend to the leaders and supporters of Pakatan Rakyat.

The report has given them a much needed opportunity and breathing space to deflect the intense public attention away from the spate of major scandals and cases of gross mismanagement that plaguing in the states under the Pakatan rule.

Predictably these supporters and leaders had swooped upon this FDI issue like a gaggle of vultures and tried pin the blame squarely on the Federal government shoulders. Reading some of these over the top, irrational and alarmist comments, one would conclude that the county is heading for the Armageddon and has no hope whatsoever for the future.

Unsurprisingly, DAP’s “Economic Advisor” and Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua, has been on the forefront of this assault, launching salvoes of statements and colorful charts to buttress his charge that the investors had totally lost confidence in Malaysia.

However, even a cursory survey of Tony’s argument shows that his analyses and statements are, as usual, devoid of intellectual merit and betrays a lack an understanding of the issue.

While it is unrealistic to expect a politician to be impartial and objective in his analysis, unfortunately when one reads PJ Utara MP’s latest comments it is embarrassingly, glaringly and painfully clear that Tony knows very little about the local and global investment scenario.

First of all, had Tony followed the FDI trends, he would have taken cognizance of the fact that UNCTAD’s data on Malaysia’s FDI inflows are completely wrong. Further, had Tony done his homework, he would have surely discovered that the data provided by the UN agency simply does not make any logical sense.

I am not sure how did UNCTAD arrived at the FDI figure of US$1.38 billion (RM4.4 billion) but MIDA had months ago had published in its website that Malaysia procured FDI worth US$6.48 billion in 2009. In fact the states of Sabah and Sarawak alone had attracted more than US$1.38 billion worth of FDI each in 2009.

So it is rather puzzling and incomprehensible that an Oxford graduate in economics and self confessed expert could have overlooked such basic facts and committed such obvious and elementary error.

Based on the correct figure of US$6.48 billion, Malaysia has done extremely well compared to its regional peers. In fact, the FDI numbers seem to indicate that foreign investors’ confidence in Malaysia had sky-rocketed. This could be attributed to the various bold reforms and the steady and sure-footed economic and political stewardship of our PM, Dato Seri Najib Razak.

I had been travelling around Europe, Asia and the US in the last few months for business purposes for my company. During these trips, I had the opportunity to speak to a number of business leaders and investors informally and almost everyone I spoke with seemed to agree that Malaysia has made very significant progress economically and politically under PM Najib. This is a quantum leap and a sea change in perception compared to my previous trip in 2008 when the investors’ sentiments were pre-dominantly negative and bearish.

The second point that Tony Pua had pointed out was pertaining the outflow of FDI from Malaysia. I am unsure of the accuracy of this data by UNCTAD but I am again rather surprised that an economist such as Tony could not fathom the simple reasons behind this outflow which is apparent even to non-economist such as me.

Malaysian firms from industries such as finance and banking, telecom, infrastructure, airline, oil and gas, etc. have grown in the recent years to be regional and even global players and champions. They have expanded and established themselves beyond our borders and have been investing and acquiring companies overseas. As such there is an outflow of FDI for such purposes.

Mr Calvin Sankaran ended his post with this juicy paragraph:

However there is one key point I do agree with Tony, that is, in his assertion that a drop in FDI shows a complete loss of confidence in the government. As such I am sure Tony too would concur with me that the massive 80 per cent drop in FDI for DAP-run and Lim Guan Eng-led Penang is a testament that the investors have no confidence in CM Lim’s leadership or his policies.

After all that, I thought that in time YB Tony Pua will still make a good future leader among the breed of future young Malaysian Leaders with his easy going smile and friendly face unlike the "anti anything BN" face of the Lim father and son, he will be a welcome face of the DAP of the future(face only lah).

However being young and all that Tony Pua as a politician must choose his words and check his datas carefully that's all, otherwise, he will end up like the chap below many times over:

After PAS/PKR failure in FELDA, now try their luck at FELCRA

Since before the Hulu Langat byelection, Pakatan led by PAS had tried to break into the FELDA settlements which have a huge bank of 55 Parliamentary and about 100 ADUN seats making it a humongous strategic asset for the BN and now deliriously cavorted by the Pakatan Gang. The Pakatan attack gained momentum with the help of exGerakan Frog now PKR member Tee Kwong coming with the idea that Felda is bankrupt. The ruling BN government did not take the unwarranted and fitnah attacks lying down though and have slowly but surely repulsed these unwarranted attack on FELDA which is regarded as the most successful public land settlement and development agency in the world courtesy of the BN Government who cares. (refer here)

The story of Felda started with a dream by one man. That man was Tun Abdul Razak, the first Deputy Prime Minister of independent Malaysia and the second Prime Minister of the nation. His dream was that there would be “land for the landless” and “jobs for the jobless”, and his belief was that this was crucial in order to eradicate the poverty which was prevalent in the rural sector then. The year was 1955 and a new nation, Malaya was on the verge of gaining its independence from British rule, the spirit of nationalism was strong among the leaders of the day and they realised very early on that the only way for the rakyat to break free from their vicious circle of poverty was “for planned and coordinated development of land so as to ensure that economic development goes hand in hand with social development”... (Tunku Shamsul & Perera, 1977).

Must read more here: Nation Building- The Felda Model

Here is a very good rebuttal on the ill fated Felda Attacks by PAS/PKR complete with constructive criticisms and good proposals of Felda itself by blogger Syed Akbar Ali:


1. Felda is nowhere near “bankruptcy”. They have assets in excess of RM16.0 Billion, ample liquidity to meet all their short term obligations and relatively little long term obligations. And no Bank is suing Felda for late payment of anything. If no Bank is suing Felda for money, they are not likely to be “bankrupted.”

2. According to Minister YB Ahmad Mazlan, Felda’s cash hoard has decreased from RM4.08 billion in 2004 to RM1.35 billion in 2009 – a drop of RM2.73 billion over five years.

3. Over the same period Felda’s current and fixed assets have gone up by RM6.2 billion from RM9.17 billion in 2004 to RM15.37 billion in 2009. Surely some (if not all) the cash was used to finance the larger asset base. I asked about Dr Tan Tee Kwong’s (ex Gerakan, now Keadilan member) claim that Felda has only RM350 milion cash left. Felda is puzzled about this number. Lately Pakatan folks have problems with numbers.

4. For years running, Felda’s annual cash requirement alone is up to RM1.5 billion, which they have always fully met.

5. Felda has over 400,000 hectares of land planted by 112,000+ peneroka Felda. Then Felda Plantations has planted a further 340,000 hectares on its own, minus peneroka. What the Felda peneroka plant on their 400,000 hectares goes to them (that is why Felda was set up in the first place). The 340,000 hectares planted by Felda Plantations yields RM1.1 billion in revenues which goes to Felda. Felda uses this income to cover its operating costs, reinvest, run many programs, replanting, scholarship programs etc.

6. Since the mid 1990s, no new peneroka have been created. The present Felda was the brilliant brainchild of Tun Abdul Razak, first created in 1956 at a time when economic opportunities were few and the rural population lived way below the poverty line. At that time our population would have been around 5 million people. As late as 1986 Felda was still struggling as a plantation organization. However by the late 80s Felda reached maturity and the fruits started hanging low.

By 1996, Felda had repaid the last of its World Bank loans, 16 years before due date in 2012. The Government also stopped funding for Felda in 1996. This means Felda has been financially independent since 1996.

8. I see two big issues at Felda. Firstly it is a victim of its own success. Felda has plenty of cash and assets. However plantations alone do not provide avenues for Felda to make new investments. (You may ask “Why not? Just plant more and more land.” I thought so too) Felda must be careful how it diversifies and who are its partners. Stick to tried and proven business principles and the risk should be manageable. Even to diversify, stay close to the business that you know best and pick people who are trustworthy (No. 1 consideration) and who can deliver.

9. The second issue is much more complex. This has to do with 112,000+ agricultural peneroka having multiplied themselves over 50 years into a 2.0 million population who live under a distinct entity and identity called Felda.It is a great big job to manage any company with even five workers. And in all companies the workers from 9 am to 5 pm and then go home to their families after work. Unfortunately the same does not apply to Felda. The “peneroka” and the 2.0 million inhabitants of Felda do not go home after work. I cannot even begin to imagine the complexities of managing a giant with 740,000 hectares of plantation land and 2.0 million dependents who live and work on this land, who also give birth to children, who need homes (all Felda’s responsibility), who need schooling, water and electricity (Felda even builds its own water treatment plants) and a gazillion other things that are needed by 2.0 million people. All of this is Felda’s responsibility.

Blogger Syed ended his post with this parting words: I see the problems confronting Felda being similar to issues our country faced in its early years. We need to provide new types of jobs and other economic opportunities for Felda’s 2.0 million population. We need to introduce factories, shops, supermarkets, new townships, businesses etc into the Felda areas – just like we did in the other parts of the country. And this cannot be the sole responsibility of Felda anymore.Felda can open up “designated commercial areas” for investment and development from outside, so that Felda’s 2.0 million inhabitants will have diversified economic opportunities. As for all you Pakatan supporters out there, do not even think for one minute that the PIS boys know anything better – or anything at all. They have just most successfully covered up huge losses at the Kohilal Koperasi. If they get their hands on Felda, the word “angkut” will acquire an entirely new meaning.

In the final analysis, Felda is a resounding success. It has grown into a middle aged giant. More vigilance is therefore necessary.

PLEASE read more of this most profound post here in full; The Felda issue.

Here is more rebuttal from the BN Government:

Ahmad Maslan: Felda paid RM1.3b in taxes, not bankrupt

Bernama July 26, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 — The Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) paid RM1.303 billion in taxes to the Inland Revenue Board during the four-year period from 2004, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Ahmad Maslan said.

Announcing the figure today, Ahmad, who is in charge of Felda, said the payment proved that Felda was not bankrupt as claimed by the opposition.

“This is the first that time we reveal this data to the public. It is to prove that the allegation that Felda is bankrupt is wrong.

“This is Felda’s contribution to the government and the people. The money can be used by the government to help the people,” he told a news conference after opening a seminar on Felda management and launching the Felda Management Manual here today.

Present were Felda general manager Datuk Dzulkifli Abd Wahab and Felda Global Venture Holdings (FGVH) president Datuk Sabri Ahmad.

Ahmad said if it was true that Felda was bankrupt “how is it possible that an agency which receives no financial assistance from the government, could pay such a high amount of taxes?”

“Felda is a stable organisation,” he added.

On the RM200 million suit Felda planned to file against Suara Keadilan for publishing the report “Felda Bangkrap” last month after the seven-day notice for apology had lapsed, Ahmad said the matter was being looked into by a panel of lawyers.

On the Felda Management Manual, Ahmad said it was an update to the one published 10 years ago, making it more comprehensive, covering Felda’s visions and missions and jobs description such as farm management as well as issues such as community development, human resources, financial, land management and entrepreneur development.

He said the manual would be updated from time to time in line with changes in government policies. — Bernama

Looks like the Pakatan agitators are beating a hasty retreat with their tail between their legs, read After Felda Pakatan now eyes Felcra.

Just wondering what nonsense will PAS and PKR come up with this time from their magic bag of lies and spins.

DAP dua kali lima sahja

I think when it comes to Corruption, DAP pun 2 kali 5 sahja. When they are in the Opposition and do not have opportunities, they run riot shouting about "CORRUPTION". Its a different case altogether when they are in Government isn't it. Now here's a small case(maybe tip of a bigger iceberg) involving a DAP Councillor's shenanigans and guess what, not only has a Police Report not been lodged against their own as yet, they are treating it as a internal party matter, very hush-hush must be really embarassing stuff if the news break out into the General public. So much for the anti corruption crusade of the DAP, orang mereka buat mereka senyap-senyapkan. And these are the people who are shouting equality and transparency for those Malaysian who care to listen.

DAP veteran used exco man’s letterhead to obtain contracts


PETALING JAYA: A municipal councillor allegedly used a state exco member’s official letterhead and seal by writing his own letters of support to obtain contracts for his cronies and a family member.

It is alleged that the councillor, a DAP veteran, had secured contracts worth more than RM1mil for 20 companies from the council where he had been serving since July 2008.

Although the man — who has strong party connections — has no access to the exco member’s office now, he has, however, been reappointed as a councillor for a third term.

The councillor sits on several important committees — including the tender board — at the council, one of the biggest in the state.

Exco member Ronnie Liu has confirmed that his letterhead had been misused and that the local councillor was now being investigated by the party. However, members claimed internal action was “not enough”.

A party insider said the DAP was under pressure to lodge a report with the authorities.

read more details
Council man under probe.

Here is a DAP declaration on Corruption:

DAPSY Kulai Declaration of Anti-Corruption

DAPSY calls for a declaration of war against corruption which amongst others demands::

-all members of Government not only must publicly declare their assets but also legally prohibited from accumulating extraordinary wealth and living beyond their official means;

-there is no mixing of politics with business and members of Government are not allowed to get involve in business;

-the Anti-Corruption Agency be given full independent powers and be accountable and subjected only to the scrutiny of and supervision from Parliament;

-All assets of those found guilty of corruption be confiscated by the State (1993).

Rings hollow isn't it. This reminds me of the old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Pity those who choose this kind of dishonest people in.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Anwar Sodomy Trial: What's Love Got To do with it


DPP dropped over alleged ‘affair’ with Saiful

July 27, 2010

PUTRAJAYA, July 27 – Deputy Public Prosecutor Farah Azlina Latif was dropped today from the team prosecuting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy after allegations surfaced last week that she was romantically involved with complainant and chief witness Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail told reporters today that the junior prosecutor was removed to prevent negative public perception of the Sodomy II prosecution team.

Original Post:

The trial of Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy will restart finally on 2nd August 2010, in the earlier much delayed sessions, the complainant Saiful had completed giving evidence and been cross examined, the stage is now set for the Prosecution team to introduce and adduce physical,clinical and laboratory evidences to support their case against Anwar. Hopefully there will be a continuous trial without further delay.

As it turn out,from out of the blue RPK, the man who ran away to the UK because he allege that he tells the truth, came up recently with a love story between Saiful and a yet to be identified female junior member of the Prosecution. As if by clockwork the story in the internet was quickly snatched by Anwar's defense team. Continue reading:

Anwar demands A-G respond to RPK’s ‘affair’ allegations

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal July 26, 2010 (MI)

Gani Patail is now being asked to respond to the 'romantic' link allegations surrounding the Anwar Sodomy II trial.

KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s lawyers have demanded that Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail respond to Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s claims of a female deputy public prosecutor being romantically involved with the lead witness in Anwar’s on-going Sodomy II trial.

Fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin had alleged in a blog posting recently that a female deputy public prosecutor, a junior member of the prosecution team in Anwar’s trial, is having an “affair” with lead witness Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Lead counsel for Anwar’s defence team Sankara Nair said that the Attorney-General or the prosecution team had yet to respond to Raja Petra’s allegations, stressing that if the matter were left unaddressed, it could affect the on-going trial proceedings which is set to continue this coming August 2.

“This will have serious implications in the trial, we want the Attorney-General to confirm or deny these allegations. The Attorney-General’s chambers has to be impartial and prove to do so in its dealings, even though Saiful is the complainant and the prosecution’s material witness,” Sankara told The Malaysian Insider this morning.

Sankara said that the defence team will be submitting a letter to the Attorney-General’s office today, demanding that the Attorney-General step in and provide answers to Raja Petra’s claims.

“We will be sending a letter to the Attorney-General’s office today. They should be getting it (the letter) in the afternoon,” said Sankara.

Sankara also said that they would have to wait for an “official response” from Abdul Gani before they can proceed with any further action.

read the rest here.

How could a alleged love story revealed in the internet by a fugitive who ran away from Malaysia involving Saiful and the lady could be of any relevance to the sodomy case defies any logic. I think the AG should not even dignify the allegation with a response, let the Lead Prosecutor explain to the Trial Judge when the time comes. The person on trial for sodomy is Anwar and Saiful is the complainant, so what has "Love Got To Do With it".

Great to see MCA finding its foot again

Its a long time since March 2008 that we have heard a MCA President beating the "war drum" that many would think that the MCA is just too petrified of the DAP. Well since Dr Chua's amazing come back, he has slowly but surely been putting his house in order. So to hear Dr Chua telling DAP Secretary General that he is behaving like an Opposition instead of the CM of Pulau Pinang is greatly heart warming:

Soi Lek says Guan Eng behaving like ‘opposition’

By Clara Chooi July 25, 2010(MI)

KLANG, July 25 —
MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek today accused Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng of behaving like he was still in the opposition for initiating the ongoing spat with a federal officer.

Dr Chua (picture) mocked Lim’s attitude and how he had chosen to handle the tiff, pointing out that the DAP secretary-general could have used a more civilised channel to voice his grievances against State Development Officer (SDO) Nik Ali Mat Yunus.

“Look at how Lim Guan Eng handled the issue with the SDO. From there, you can generally conclude that he (Lim) himself is not aware of his own role as an administrator,” he told reporters after opening the Selangor MCA convention at Centro here this afternoon.

He said that as the chief minister, Lim had the right and the responsibility to evaluate Nik Ali’s performance and come up with an official verdict through the state government.

“He can evaluate the SDO and make a decision during the state executive council meetings. Through that channel, he can present the state government’s views to the Chief Secretary to the Government,” said Dr Chua.

He added that the chief secretary would have “no choice” but to accept and respect the views of the state government.

“But by forwarding your views out in the open like that, the SDO would be forced into retaliating to defend himself.

“In the end, the issue does not get solved,” he said.

Read the rest

I think it is sound advise and if Guan Eng do not let go of this argument he is just falling into a political whirlpool that will drag the DAP along with it, this time its not between DAP Guan Eng and Nik Ali The Federal Civil Servant alone. No need to listen these two so called intelectual who are supposed to be neutral in their profession, this spat has got nothing to do with a civil servant impartiality.

Anyway here's more from Dr Chua:

MCA mocks Pakatan’s achievements in Selangor

By Clara Chooi July 25, 2010(MI)

KLANG, July 25 — The MCA today poked fun at the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government, claiming that its only glaring achievement over the past two years was in doubling the number of entertainment outlets in the state.

Party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, in his speech during the Selangor MCA convention,
accused the PR of failing to run the country’s wealthiest and most industrialised state efficiently, despite holding on to power for the past two years since the March 2008 general election.

“Its only clear achievement is in the number of entertainment outlets, which rose significantly since they took on the government.

“The outlets increased by at least 200 per cent. I believe that they have reached more than 6,000 entertainment outlets now, including cyber cafes and massage parlours,” he told a press conference after the function.

Dr Chua also listed down the PR’s many undelivered election promises and reminded the people that if the fledgling coalition were given the mandate to helm Putrajaya, they would only renege on more promises.

“In the last general election, a large number of voters chose the PR. This was because, at the time, the Barisan Nasional had certain problems and the people were not satisfied with us.

“But now that the PR has been given the opportunity to run four states for two and a half years, the people have had the chance to evaluate their performances. Are they more efficient than the BN administration of the past?

“They have made plenty of promises that they could have delivered on but today, people are still asking about them. The people are still waiting. If they cannot deliver their promises in running the state government, surely if they win the federal government, they would make more promises that they cannot deliver?” he said.

As an example, Dr Chua singled out the Selangor state government, presently run by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim of the PKR.

“Look at Selangor. Prior to this, they promised that they would not interfere on the business deals but when they won the state, they created a company to handle the sand-mining activities in the state. This has created so many problems today.

“At the end of the day, if you look at it in terms of sand revenue, it has declined considerably. They promised annual returns of RM150 million but unfortunately, in 2008 and 2009, the returns failed to even achieve RM1 million,” he said.

Other unrealised promises made by the Selangor government, said Dr Chua, included the promise to introduce local government elections, the reduction of quit rent and a promise of monetary aid to pre-school students.

“They also criticised the Rukun Tetangga saying that the BN’s methods were inefficient. They promised to come up with a more effective system but until today, the people are still waiting,” he said.

Dr Chua added that the MCA would do its best in helping the BN regain control of Selangor by mobilising its members in the state.

I think the loose Pakatan Coalition are clearly worried about the BN campaign to take back Selangor especially now that the MCA is getting into the action with much bravado led by Dr Chua. Read here:

Selangor approves funds to take on BN

By Neville Spykerman July 26, 2010(MI)

SHAH ALAM, July 26 – In a controversial move, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim announced today that public funds would be used to counter the “biased news coverage” of media controlled by the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal governnment.

The Selangor mentri besar said that RM15 million or one per cent of the state’s budget next year would be allocated for the information war.

“This amount is equal to RM3 for every person in Selangor,” said Khalid (pic).

His move is an attempt to counter federal government or BN-owned newspapers and media which keeps a firm grip on information which is disseminated to the public.

The loose Pakatan Rakyat gang of DAP,PKR and PAS must surely be really rattled that they are forced to use state Government money to defend themselves against the BN onslaught.

Taking RM3 from every person in Selangor to defend Pakatan? That cannot be right, surely this is very desperate stuff, does Tan Sri Khalid really believe that all Selangor are in support of the Pakatan loose coalition?Macam Penyamun Pasir tu. The last time I checked BN/UMNO won 20 state seats in March 2008.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

My favourite Khalsa Warrior - Karpal Singh

The Star carried a good story on my favourite Khalsa Warrior Karpal Singh, today, 25 July 2010. The piece is aptly titled - The Tiger's Still Roaring.


This Tiger’s still roaring


He’s reached an age when most people would have happily retired and gone to pasture. But not Karpal Singh, aka the Tiger of Jelutong. StarMag catches up with one of the country’s most colourful, controversial – and much admired – politicians.

ALMOST unnoticed, a Malaysian institution turned 70 recently. It wasn’t a building or an organisation, but an individual.

For better or worse, Democratic Action Party (DAP) national chairman Karpal Singh has been a part of public consciousness for nearly four decades now. Despite being seriously injured in a car accident in 2005 that left him with nerve damage and wheelchair-bound, he has continued with his life-long struggle for justice and equality in Malaysia. Now, in his twilight years, he shows no signs of slowing down.

When we met at his law office off Jalan Pudu in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, Karpal had just been discharged from hospital after suffering from pneumonia. He is weak and a little frail but manages to answer questions and dispense anecdotes with great gusto.

read the rest here.
Karpal Singh

YB Karpal Singh who celebrated his 70th birthday on 28th June 2010 last month, is one the few Malaysian who I have come to admire and respect as both a Opposition Parliamentrian and Law Practitioner. He has had a very rich colourful life both in politics and law one which would not be emulated by any other politician on both sides of the divide both in the present and for a long time in the future. He could have done more law where he would contribute much more had he done it full time. This fearless Malaysian, has been thrown out of Parliament for so many times I lost count, his consistent stand for a secular Malaysia against PAS's ideology despite being in the same Pakatan Boat is direct to the point and who could forget that fateful day when he told Anwar Ibrahim to bertaubat. Its a measure of his reputation that nobody dared to rebut him about Anwar.

I hope YB Karpal will find time to write his memoirs, as his life and times would be a good source of inspiration for the young.

Its a pity, well for me anyway, that he opted to join the DAP when he decided to go into politics. As fate would have it, Karpal being the National Chairman of the DAP is the only person now that is standing between the DAP as a so called "multiracial party" and the perception of a DAP which is almost totally dominated by one race both in outlook and political struggle. He will be such a huge loss to the DAP once he decides to retire from politics.

At 70 and with such a heavy work schedule shuttling between Parliament and the Courts that would be very taxing by any measure of standard for any man. While I am no supporter of the DAP but I wish YB Karpal Singh the best of health in his endeavors and yes, a very happy belated Birthday.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Rancangan Malaysia ke10- New "Greater" KL MRT Project MUST be transparent MUST be thru' Open Tender

Details of the planned gargantuan "Greater" KL MRT Project said to be planned by the Government under the RM Ke-10 is at best sketchy as illustrated:

What we do know so far are trial balloons released in the media such as the news that Gamuda-MMC JV have submitted a unsolicited proposal of RM43 BILLION for the project and apparently UEM has expressed great interest in the project as well but then who wouldn't. (Boleh kaya sampai anak cucu dan cicit kalau dapat projek ini beb). Anyway, readers can read the news from the MI here.

Well beside KJ who is making some noise about the transparency of the bid, good on him though I thought it a bit strange coming from him because as son in law of PM Abdullah Badawi and UMNO Youth Deputy Chief he was not making noise about all those cosy multimillion direct negotiation deals then, hmmm, times are a changing.

Anyway for such an undertaking the Government should do well to be EXEMPLARY and TRANSPARENT and invite International bids and proposals for Design, Construction, Operating and Financing of the "Greater" KL MRT project. For a bid said to cost more than USD10 BILLION, the Government can be sure that there will be many experienced and qualified Design and Built Contractors and Operators from all over the world such as Germany, Japan, USA, Switzerland even India who would come in to bid on their own or JV with local partners.

While the urgent need for efficient and cheap transport for the masses in Kuala Lumpur's congested transportation system is obvious, let us not be hasty and commit multi BILLIONS Ringgit of what ultimately will be a cost that the ordinary Malaysians, yes, our own children will be burdened with for the next decades.

The Government should apply the tried and tested international open tendering system, I think our Petronas has the same system too, so does many other multinationals and other countries such as India and even Bangladesh are starting to adopt it too, our Government tendering system is also quite good if allowed to be so.

First the Government should specify what they want, and the techies (JKR,SPAD) in Government will provide the General Specification to call for Pre-Qualification of Contractors. Pre-Qs if done rigorously will filter the half qualified and unqualified and rent seeking companies which will cause headaches later.

The Qualified companies will be announced and they will be invited to submit their Technical and Financial Bid.

These companies will then present their proposals and be subjected to intense grilling sessions by technical,environmental and financial experts appointed by the Government in a Tender Board. After that the Tender Board will make recommendation to the Cabinet for decision. The Cabinet can only make a decision based on the companies that has been recommended by the Board. The PAC should then ratify the decision before letter of award is given. If finally Gamuda-MMC JV or UEM wins the award through a competitive open tender then it would be acceptable and most welcome. Hey, this is humongous money we are talking about, not the small change 2 or 3 million dollars that our proud young millionaire Jho Low is blowing all over America and Europe you know.

There are much to do to show breakdown the cost of a light rail project such as the KL MRT:
  • Traffic Management
  • Pavement Removals
  • Utility Relocation
  • Land /Building Compensation
  • Station Construction
  • Roadwork
  • Shoring
  • Tunneling
  • Street Lighting
  • Trackbed (at road level, above street level, underground structures)
  • Track work
  • Traction Power
  • Power Distribution
  • Transformer Stations
  • Signalling System
  • Automated Vehicle Locator Systems (AVLS)
  • Ticketing and Fare Collection Systems
  • Light Rail Transit Vehicles
  • Maintenance & Operations Facilities
  • Maintenance Equipment
  • etc.
For those who like to know more about Light Rail projects refer here.

Times have changed, the people would not simply accept and gawk at the multi-Million or multi-Billion ringgit worth of projects bandied about by the Government Federal or State, they want to know how much really it will cost to construct, they do not like third party mega management and administration fees. They want greater transparency and of course best value for money, the cost of which we all have to pay long after this gigantic project has been built.