Friday, 25 March 2011

A solution for the "Interlok" imbroglio, thank you Minister

I sincerely hope our Indian brethrens will find this solution offered by the MOE acceptable:

19 sensitive items found in Interlok

The independent panel studying proposed amendments to the novel Interlok has agreed with only 19 of the 106 suggested changes, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said. He told the Dewan Rakyat that the government agreed that the 19 changes should be made because they concerned parts which could hurt the sensitivities of the Indian community.

Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said the other 87 suggestions were found to be irrelevant to the core issue, and they included putting the name of the author on the cover and altering the spelling of a word.

Of the 19 changes, three related to the use of the caste word pariah which the novelist had agreed to drop.

Three other changes related to reference to the cow as a sacred animal to Hindus, the safety of the wife of the character Maniam in India and the exhaustive description of a wedding, he said in reply to Datuk Abd Rahman Bakri (BN-Sabak Bernam) and four other MPs who asked about the status of the novel which is to be a text book for fifth formers.

For seven of the changes, the panel agreed unanimously to insert "errata" in the novel to correct or drop phrases that the Indian community could find culturally and religiously offensive, Muhyiddin said.

The other changes included substituting words and dropping phrases such as "orang berkulit hitam" (a dark-skinned race), he said.

Muhyiddin said that all members of the panel, including representatives of the Indian community, had agreed to leave it to Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (the literary agency), as the publisher, to edit the novel accordingly for the new edition.

He said the Education Ministry would at the same time prepare a glossary to explain phrases and concepts contained in the novel.

Muhyiddin said that settlement of the Interlok issue showed that there was no problem that could not be resolved at the negotiating table.

"The Intelok episode is proof that the spirit of unity, acceptance and mutual respect in line with the 1Malaysia concept continues to thrive in our country", he said.

Muhyiddin said that Interlok was a creative work which attempted to depict a harmonious life in multi-racial Malaya before the country attained Independence. - BERNAMA

Read more here.

Time to move on don't you think.


Anonymous said...

Sudahkah baca novel tu? Takkan dia orang sanggup berdepan dengan FRU di demo jalanan tanpa sebab musabab. Takkan beratus-ratus orang mengingkari arahan polis dan beratus-ratus lagi rela masuk lokap kalau bukan mereka amat terkilan, amat tertusuk jiwa kerana penghinaan kaum India oleh Bung Dollah. Cuba bro sebutkan ada apa manfaat 'Interlok' kepada para pelajar kita ...

eddy said...

Baca post ini Bro Anon [01:15];
Tepuk dada tanya selera.

Anonymous said...

Terima kasih bro. Dah baca.

Perihal cemuhan 'pariah' itu, adakah ia akan menyinggung perasaan orang yang kena tempiasnya? Pasti ya.

Cuba bro tegur sesesiapa masyarakat India (yang bukan kenalan rapat) dan katakan kepadanya, "Oi, Si Bangsa Asing, nenek atukmu yang pendatang itu asal pariah, tau". Tengoklah nanti (huhuhu) ...

Adakah jalan keluar dari kemelut ini -- cadangan penyelesaian Kementerian Pelajaran sepertimana yang dicekup posting bro ini -- akan diterima oleh kaum India? Jawapannya, sama sekali tidak. Mereka tak akan bertolak ansur novel itu ditarik dari sukatan pelajaran. Tindakan mereka sebenarnya bukan tidak beralasan. 'Interlok' memang menghina.