Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Just wondering what PKR stands for now after Zaid Ibrahim's ouster.

The end of the much maligned PKR elections and the many ongoing demonstrations by dissatisfied PKR members against the way that the elections were handled are overshadowed by one single fact, and that is Anwar Ibrahim who refuses to go through the party election process but insist to become PKR leader known as Ketua Umum is now accepted as the ultimate leader of PKR by PKR "constitutionally" elected office bearers who are mostly Anwar's chosen candidates. With PKR President Wan Azizah his wife, Timbalan President Azmin his protege even the highest elected VP Nurul Izzah his daughter, Anwar's domination of PKR is not only complete it takes on a cult like proportion. 

All these being achieved despite the fact that Anwar Ibrahim is undergoing a second sodomy trial which is not going very well against him, his unfulfilled promise to take over the Government on 16 Sept 2008 and many other unfulfilled promises and also  he has until now showed that he has anything better to offer to Malaysians.

Yes, I think PKR with its focus only and only on Anwar Ibrahim to put him up the pedestal to become Malaysia's next Prime Minister as evidenced by this  invitation for support, showed that PKR is dangerously becoming not a political party but a cult movement, by its  extreme devotion to one person, Anwar Ibrahim. 

I am quite certain that PAS and DAP leaders are watching with much anxiety on the happenings in PKR especially now that Zaid has been ousted from the party. A cult movement sure cannot help the loose Pakatan coalition on their self proclaimed journey up the long and winding road to Putrajaya.

Here are Common Properties of Potentially Destructive and Dangerous Cults.

-The cult is authoritarian in its power structure. The leader is regarded as the supreme authority. He or she may delegate certain power to a few subordinates for the purpose of seeing that members adhere to the leader's wishes and roles. There is no appeal outside of his or her system to greater systems of justice. For example, if a school teacher feels unjustly treated by a principal, appeals can be made. In a cult, the leader claims to have the only and final ruling on all matters.

-The cult's leaders tend to be charismatic, determined, and domineering. They persuade followers to drop their families, jobs, careers, and friends to follow them. They (not the individual) then take over control of their followers' possessions, money, lives.

-The cult's leaders are self-appointed, messianic persons who claim to have a special mission in life. For example, the flying saucer cult leaders claim that people from outer space have commissioned them to lead people to special places to await a space ship.

-The cult's leaders center the veneration of members upon themselves. Priests, rabbis, ministers, democratic leaders, and leaders of genuinely altruistic movements keep the veneration of adherents focused on God, abstract principles, and group purposes. Cult leaders, in contrast, keep the focus of love, devotion, and allegiance on themselves.

-The cult tends to be totalitarian in its control of the behavior of its members. Cults are likely to dictate in great detail what members wear, eat, when and where they work, sleep, and bathe-as well as what to believe, think, and say.

-The cult tends to have a double set of ethics. Members are urged to be open and honest within the group, and confess all to the leaders. On the other hand, they are encouraged to deceive and manipulate outsiders or nonmembers. Established religions teach members to be honest and truthful to all, and to abide by one set of ethics.

-The cult has basically only two purposes, recruiting new members and fund-raising. Established religions and altruistic movements may also recruit and raise funds. However, their sole purpose is not to grow larger; such groups have the goals to better the lives of their members and mankind in general. The cults may claim to make social contributions, but in actuality these remain mere claims, or gestures. Their focus is always dominated by recruiting new members and fund-raising.

-The cult appears to be innovative and exclusive. The leader claims to be breaking with tradition, offering something novel, and instituting the only viable system for change that will solve life's problems or the world's ills. While claiming this, the cult then surreptitiously uses systems of psychological coercion on its members to inhibit their ability to examine the actual validity of the claims of the leader and the cult. Read more here.

I do not know, but rather leave it to readers to judge PKR and its Defacto Leader/Ketua Umum whether it is a cult movement or a political party. For sure, a cult movement only serves the Leader but never the nation or its citizens.

Whatever it is the voters who voted for PKR in March 2008 because they were voting against BN will in all probability vote for BN again the next time round, not because BN has reformed but PKR has grown to be a scary alternative with nothing to convince people that they can govern properly when even their first election is a total mess full of manipulations and downright cheating.  

PKR is really dissapointing, giving it too many Parliamentary and State seats in March 2008 is like the Malay Peribahasa."bagai kera dapat bunga, mereka tidak pandai menghargai barang berharga ia itu UNDI RAKYAT MALAYSIA".

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