Friday, 26 November 2010

Chinese MPs slam Ridhuan Tee, kesian Dr. Tee

Wow, there are a lot of hyper sensitive Malaysian Chinese politicians out there. Seems they are out for Dr. Ridhuan Tee's blood for saying that that non-Malay-speaking Malaysians and the “ultra kiasu” will be the stumbling block to the government’s transformation programmes. 

Really? its that bad? I do not think so, because Dr Tee's consistent message to his brethrens has always been "Dimana Bumi dipijak Disitu Langit dijunjung", unless of course your loyalty to Malaysia though cannot be questioned, is only surpassed by your loyalty to your ethnicity. Lets read the report from one of my more favourite news portal, my comments will be in bold green:

Chinese MPs slam Ridhuan Tee’s ‘publicity stunt’
By Boo Su-Lyn November 26, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 — Chinese lawmakers accused Utusan Malaysia columnist Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah of using his Chinese identity to attack the non-Malay communities.

Tee had said that non-Malay-speaking Malaysians and the “ultra kiasu” will be the stumbling block to the government’s transformation programmes.

“He (Tee) is trying to seek cheap publicity by using his identity as a Chinese to whack the non-Malays so he can get more prominence in Utusan Malaysia,” Selangor executive councillor Teresa Kok (picture) told The Malaysian Insider today.[Typical DAP, those they cannot intimidate they disparage]

“People who cannot speak fluent Bahasa (Malaysia) are not lesser than those who can speak Malay. We are all Malaysians,” added the Seputeh MP.[Who is talking about superiority here, DAP either disparage the messenger or divert the issue. I thought DAP lifelong supremo Lim Kit Siang say he is Malaysian First and Chinese Second..should't that mean being able to speak the National Language fluently?]

Tee is a prominent Chinese Muslim who has consistently courted controversy with his strident views on race relations.[ Read Dr Tee's views with a open heart not through a narrow tunnel vision]

The columnist also stressed that non-Malays should absorb the country’s policies, such as Article 152 and Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, into their own lifestyle rather than resist them.

Article 152 states that Malay is the national language while Article 153 outlines the special position of the Malays and Bumiputeras.

The National Defence University lecturer used what is his favourite term to describe anything and anyone who does not share his beliefs or who questions Malay rights — “ultra kiasu”. The word “kiasu” comes from the Hokkien dialect meaning “too proud to lose”.

Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua, however, pointed out that Article 8 guaranteed equality before the law.

“Perhaps Dr Ridhuan Tee should also read Article 8 that guarantees equal treatment under the law,” said Pua.[Yes, perhaps this young YB Cambridge graduate should not cherry pick but read and understand the whole Perlembagaan]

“Ridhuan Tee has to read the Constitution as a whole document, rather than just picking out one or two clauses that is suited to his ultra bigoted and extremist views,” added the DAP national publicity secretary.[Its the other way round, that is exactly what you are doing Tony]

Echoing Pua’s views, Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong told Tee to look at the Constitution holistically.

“It (the Federal Constitution) must be seen in total,” he said. [Exactly YB Wee and YB Tony, perhaps both of you are the ones who needs to read the perlembagaan in total, read also the history of how the Perlembagaan was written]

Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi labelled Tee a “dangerous” person for allegedly intensifying racial and religious tension.

“He’s assumed a pattern in the Umno media where he is stoking a lot of friction, tension and misunderstanding between different races and religions. He is a dangerous person underneath that context,” said Ooi.

“We have been trying the last 53 years to forge national unity and he is doing the reverse,” he added.

[Ya right, first timer MP Ooi have a read of your Supreme Leader Leader speech here]:

[referred from blog: Pure Shiite]

On Chinese Malaysian Losing their citizenchip
Press Statement by DAP Organising Secretary and Parliamentary Candidate for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, on 21st April 1969: read here,

Mr. Koh Kim Leng is at liberty to institute whatever legal proceedings, but I will not withdraw a single word that I have said

Mr. Koh Kim Leng and Alliance politician are very fond of issuing threats because they do not have reason, argument and facts to match the DAP’s reasons and arguments.

Mr. Koh Kim Leng has again resorted to threats against me. In a statement yesterday, Mr.Koh Kim Leng accused me of distorting his speech at the Alliance rally at Hereen Street, where he said that the Chinese will lose their citizenship if they vote for the opposition.

Mr. Koh now explains that what he meant was that if he and the Alliance candidates lose, and the PMIP wins, then the Chinese will lose their citizenship.

This is Mr. Koh’s present explanation of his speech made at Hereen Street on April 14. I reject his explanation. I am satisfied that Mr. Koh Kim Leng has blatantly threatened the Chinese in Malaysia that if they don’t vote for the Alliance and himself, they stand to lose their citizenship. I have said that this is downright blackmail, and a most shameful act, and I stand by every word I have said.

Mr. Koh Kim Leng has threatened that unless I withdraw what I have said on this issue, he will institute legal proceedings.

Mr. Koh Kim Leng is at liberty to institute whatever legal proceeding he want, but I will not withdraw a single word, because when we in the DAP speak, we weigh every word and sentence, and we don’t behave like Alliance leaders and politicians, who say the most foolish things which they live to regret later.

I had said that I believe that Mr. Koh Kim Leng is fully capable of advocating the removal citizenship of Chinese if he loses his election, because in 1960, he was one of the authors of the Abdul Rahman Talib Report, which is the Alliance master plan to destroy Chinese schools, language and culture. My views are unchanged.

There are many more but suffice to say that they are all of the same tone.....

Refer below his detention order under the ISA 2 months after the May 13 event.....



Since July, 1968, you, Lim Kit Siang, have been acting in a manner prejudicial to the maintenance of public order in Malaysia in that in the several speeches you have made since the date you have deliberately and intentionally roused intense communal feelings thereby promoting feelings of hostility between different races in Malaysia and causing suspicion and disunity to grow between them.

1) On the 27th July 1968, at a DAP public rally at Tanjong Malim, Perak, you deliberately distorted the Government policy on Education by telling your audience that the policy was designed to achieve and eventual extermination of Chinese newspapers, Chinese schools and Chinese languages. Such distortion was made by you with the deliberate intention of creating and furthering suspicion and animosity between the Chinese and the Malay in this country.

2) On the 24th August 1968, at a public rally at Slim River, Perak, you deliberately distorted the Government’s policy on language by telling your audience that a tourist poster with the Malay wordings “speak the National language only” clearly illustrated the one language policy of the government and that the dubbing of English, Chinese and Tamil T.V. films with Malay was unfair to the other races as their languages were not being given equal status such distortion was made by you with the deliberate intention of creating and furthering suspicion and animosity between the Chinese and the Malays in this country.

3) On the 7th September 1968, at the DAP public rally at 24 milestone, Sg. Besi road, Kuala Lumpur, and on 21st. September 1968, at Sungei Way new Village Selangor, on both these occasions you deliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the MCA had instead of striving for the rights of the Chinese Language and Education in fact assisted the government in suppressing the Chinese Language as evidenced by the Non-recognition of Nanyang University project. The speeches are evidence of a deliberate misinterpretation of actual facts and had resulted in generating suspicion and animosity between the Malays and the Chinese in Malaysia and thereby creating a feeling of tension and racial hatred.

4) On the 29th September 1968, at the DAP public rally at Batu Pahat, Johore, on 2nd November 1968, at Lawan Kuda Bahru, Gopeng, Perak, and on 26th January 1969, at Jalan Yow, Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, on these three occasions you deliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the alliance’s policy was a “racialist policy” as the Alliance had given more privileges to Bumiputras in University education and that there were first and second class citizens – the Bumiputras being first class citizens, and that the awards of honour such as P.P.M, are not worth anything because they were given to men in the streets and that P.P.M. stands for “ PELAN PELAN MATI”. By these utterances you had deliberately distorted the actual Government policies and by doing so you had generated racial tension, hatred and disharmony in the country.

5) On 12th, Feb 1969, at a DAP public rally held at Jalan Lengkongan Brunei, Kuala Lumpur, you deliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the Government was showing discrimination between the various races in examination entry to University of Malaya, employment and in the distribution of land and that special privileges were being given to the Malays. By these utterances you deliberately distorted the Government policies and thereby causing suspicion and animosity between the various races.

6) On 13th May 1969, at a public rally held at Kampong Ayer, Kota Kinabalu, you deliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the Government was trying to have a Malay Malaysia by dividing the people into bumiputras and non-bumiputras, that “the Malays were first class Bumiputras” and that the Government was carrying out a policy of “Malaysiation” of Sabah whereby all top post were held by the Malays. You also stirred anti-Malay and anti-Islamic religious feelings by telling your audience that the Government was pursuing the policy of exploitation by Malays of other races and that the Government by holding an International Islamic Conference in Kuala Lumpur had intended to send Malaysian citizens to die in the Middle East in order to capture Jerusalem for the Muslim World. By this speech you had made dangerous statements of a communal nature there by fostering communal resentment fear and apprehension amongst sections of the public in Sabah.

By direction,
DATE: 11 JULY 1969

[So DAP wannabee politicians and leaders, tolong jangan cakap tak serupa bikin, your arrogance offends many right thinking Malaysians. The DAP politics has not changed much since then. Begin by NOT saying that you are trying to forge national unity for the last 53 years as the DAP came into being only after PAP left Malaysia in 1967 and has done virtually nothing to forge unity since3]

I have met many Chinese and Indian friends, they are Malaysians who like Dr. Ridhuan Tee, they lived the peribahasa "Mana Bumi DiPijak Disitu Langit Dijunjung", their loyalty to Malaysia surpasses their loyalty to their ethnicity. Malaysia is a multicultural nation we have to have a unifying Language to move forward as one nation, they understand the urgency of the matter. I hope the ultra kiasus will change their mind too.

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