Thursday, 2 September 2010

Blogger to be charged for funny satire about TNB?

1. I read with much sadness that a Blogger is going to be charged today 2nd September 2010 under the Penal code for a satire about the TNB.

2. Blogger of bloggers Rocky Bru have the complete news and links of bloggers in support of blogger Hassan Skodeng

3. I have read the
article/satire in question many times over and failed to see how it could be construed as having malicious intent, to cause hurt. I am guessing that the Prosecutors could probably have more information than us rakyat marhaen.

4. Datuk Ahirudin thinks it is shocking, I think its worse than that it is scary.

5. I pray that the Judge be merciful to Hassan Skodeng this morning or a miracle will happen when the AG decide not to pursue the charge in Court.

"Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done."

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