Dengan Nama ALLAH, for the record:
Soon after DYMM Sultan Selangor issued a decree on the name ALLAH on 8 January 2013, MAIS received a letter from a group of lawyers on 10 January 2013, read:
The Star: Lawyers send letter to MAIS over decree
KLANG: The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) has received a letter by a group of lawyers over the decree by the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah to ban non-Muslims in the state from using the word “Allah”.
The lawyers are claiming that this conflicted with a decision made by the High Court and Government.
MAIS corporate communication head Rohana Hassan, who confirmed receiving the letter, said the lawyers attached exhibits as evidence to prove that a settlement on the matter had been reached and it should not have resurfaced.
“We have not really gone through the documents as we only received them after office hours on Wednesday.
“The council will issue a press statement once everything is finalised,” Rohana said.
MAIS secretary Datuk Mohd Misri Idris reportedly said Sultan Sharafuddin had expressed shock and regret over DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng’s recent statement urging the Government to allow the word “Allah” to be used in the Malay version of the Bible.
Perkasa, meanwhile, urged the institution of the Malay rulers to take action on the matter to preserve the sanctity of Islam.
Its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said it was only ideal that the institution act on the issue.
Umno Veterans Club secretary Datuk Mustapha Yaakub urged the Opposition political parties to stop abusing the word “Allah” to garner votes.
Syabas and Congratulations to MAIS for coming up with a superb straight to the point reply to the query by the lawyer(s) representing certain Christians' interest.
Soon after DYMM Sultan Selangor issued a decree on the name ALLAH on 8 January 2013, MAIS received a letter from a group of lawyers on 10 January 2013, read:
The Star: Lawyers send letter to MAIS over decree
KLANG: The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) has received a letter by a group of lawyers over the decree by the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah to ban non-Muslims in the state from using the word “Allah”.
The lawyers are claiming that this conflicted with a decision made by the High Court and Government.
MAIS corporate communication head Rohana Hassan, who confirmed receiving the letter, said the lawyers attached exhibits as evidence to prove that a settlement on the matter had been reached and it should not have resurfaced.
“We have not really gone through the documents as we only received them after office hours on Wednesday.
“The council will issue a press statement once everything is finalised,” Rohana said.
MAIS secretary Datuk Mohd Misri Idris reportedly said Sultan Sharafuddin had expressed shock and regret over DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng’s recent statement urging the Government to allow the word “Allah” to be used in the Malay version of the Bible.
Perkasa, meanwhile, urged the institution of the Malay rulers to take action on the matter to preserve the sanctity of Islam.
Its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said it was only ideal that the institution act on the issue.
Umno Veterans Club secretary Datuk Mustapha Yaakub urged the Opposition political parties to stop abusing the word “Allah” to garner votes.
As promised MAIS came back with a superb reply that put those lawyers and the Malaysiakini portal who went to town about the Sultan's decree, to shame and I am reproducing in full MAIS's reply taken from AIDC blog:
MAIS : Titah Sultan Selangor Tidak Bercanggah Dengan Perintah Mahkamah
AIDCNews – 11/01/13 – Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS) dalam kenyataan medianya hari ini menafikan Titah DYMM Sultan Selangor berhubung larangan penggunaan kalimah Allah 8 Jan bercanggah dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi, Kuala Lumpur.
Kenyataan MAIS yang dikeluarkan oleh pengerusinya, Dato’ Setia Haji Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa sebagai menjawab surat dari Tetuan Azri, Lee Swee Seng and co bertarikh 10 Jan yang mempertikaikan kedudukan DYMM Sultan Selangor sebagai Ketua Agama Islam yang termaktub dalam Perkara 3(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
“Kuasa dan kedudukan DYMM Sultan Selangor sebagai Ketua Agama Islam di negeri ini juga diperuntukkan di dalam Perkara XCVI Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor.
“Oleh yang demikian, DYMM Sultan Selangor selaku Ketua Agama Islam di negeri Selangor boleh pada bila-bila masa mengeluarkan titah berhubung isu-isu berkaitan agama Islam di negeri Selangor.”
Menurut MAIS, titah YMM Sultan Selangor itu selaras dengan kuasa baginda dan menurut peruntukan di dalam Enakmen Ugama Bukan Islam (Kawalan Perkembangan Di Kalangan Orang Islam) 1998 yang masih berkuatkuasa semenjak diwartakan pada 7 Julai 1988 dan selaras dengan Perkara 11 (4), Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang secara jelas melarang kalimah Allah digunakan bukan Islam.
Di samping itu fatwa berhubung dengan penggunaan kalimah Allah telah diwartakan di Negeri Selangor pada 18 Februari 2010.
“MAIS sedia maklum berkenaan kes Jill Ireland Lawrence Bill melawan Menteri Bagi Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan kerajaan Malaysia pada Mei 2009.
“Pada hakikatnya permohonan substantif kes berkenaan masih belum didengar dan perintah yang dilampirkan hanya pada perintah kebenaran memohon (leave application) sahaja di bawah Peraturan 53 Kaedah -kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi 1990.
“Kandungan surat daripada Tetuan Azri, Lee Swee Seng and Co yang mengambarkan perintah substantif telah dikeluarkan ternyata tidak bertepatan sama sekali dan mengelirukan serta bertujuan mencetuskan prasangka buruk di kalangan masyarakat terhadap kedaulatan dan kedudukan DYMM Sultan Selangor sebagai Ketua Agama di Negeri Selangor.
“Tindakan peguam berkenaan adalah amat tidak beretika dan boleh disifatkan menghina mahkamah kerana memberikan fakta yang salah mengenai kedudukan sebenar kes ini.”
MAIS turut menegaskan kedua-dua surat iaitu surat dari Pengerusi Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia (CFM) bertarikh 11 April 2011 dan memo dalaman Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri bertarikh 8 April 2011 tidak mengikat badan agama negeri itu.
“MAIS ingin menegaskan bahawa kedua-dua dokumen tersebut merupakan memo dalaman yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan Bible dalam bahasa Malaysia.
“Justeru itu, pihak MAIS memohon agar kandungan surat tersebut difahami dengan secara tepat dan tidak disalahertikan demi kepentingan mana-mana pihak.”
MAIS juga turut menjawab tentang kes mahkamah Menteri Dalam Negeri melawan Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur.
“Apa yang ingin ditegaskan di sini di dalam kes tersebut hanya tertumpu kepada isu penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam “Herald-The Catholic Weekly”.
“Walaupun keputusan mahkamah telah dikeluarkan, namun Mahkamah Tinggi telah membenarkan permohonan Peguam Negara Malaysia untuk menggantung pelaksanaan dan prosiding seterusnya berhubung dengan keseluruhan keputusan YA Hakim tersebut sehingga rayuan Perayu-Perayu di Mahkamah Rayuan dilupuskan dengan muktamad.
“Adalah diharapkan kenyataan media ini dapat menjelaskan kepada semua pihak kedudukan sebenar berhubung isu kalimah Allah supaya tidak timbul kekeliruan oleh mana-mana pihak.”
By the way I think this quote by MAIS about the said lawyer(s) needed to be investigated by the powers that be; start quote: “Tindakan peguam berkenaan adalah amat tidak beretika dan boleh disifatkan menghina mahkamah kerana memberikan fakta yang salah mengenai kedudukan sebenar kes ini.” end quote.
But above all I think many would agree that the said lawyer(s) need to apologise to the DYMM Sultan of Selangor and the sooner the better.
Allah hu Akbar......Allah is Great.
Posted in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
This is superb news indeed. Thanks Eddy. Hope you are doing well in Bangladesh. Take care :-)
Hi BC, been reading your Taiwan adventures, looks like you are enjoying it,that is good.
I am in Chittagong for work for the rest of the week and now caught in the coldest Bangla spell since 1968. The temperature outside is about 10 degrees, in the north its touching 3 degrees. I am well prepared though.
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