Thursday, 31 January 2013

Retired Ketua Hakim Negara says 'ALLAH' for Muslims only

"The use of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims does not arise for it is enshrined in the constitutions of 10 states which restricted its usage just to Muslims.

The Constitution clearly states that Islam is the religion of the federation and other religions can be practised in peace and harmony, 

but what’s happening now, certain quarters want to use the word ‘Allah’ for non-Muslims. This means that non-Muslims are not practising their religion peacefully and this may cause conflict.

We also do not know what is the motive of these people (who raised the issue)"
Retired Chief Justice Tun Mohd Fairuz

Read the rest of the Bernama report here: ‘Allah’ for Muslims only, says former chief justice

Read this report too from Yahoo News:

.........and in Malaysia we have Churches here which are increasingly partisan adamant in using the name ALLAH in the Malay translation of the Bible read here.

Need I say more? Fikir-fikirkan,

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Memories: The Men's Field Hockey World Cup Kuala Lumpur 1975

An interlude away from the maddening politics:

The Men's Field Hockey World Cup Final between Pakistan and India in Kuala Lumpur 1975:

I miss the commentator Dato' Rahim Razali and above all I miss how the game I loved was excitingly and brilliantly played on grass. Back then the goalie was the bravest men alive on the pitch as he had only the pads protecting his knee and shin and no body protection or face mask.

Indeed, I think world tournament hockey should not be played exclusively on astro turf (artificial grass) , it should be how tennis is played in the Grand Slams and Davis Cup where the host country decide on the type of pitch to be played on, be it astro turf or grass. Astro turf have killed the excitement of the dribbling skills, it is so mechanical now, just strategy and super fitness and is so very boring to watch most of the time.

note: Malaysia was placed fourth in the 1975 World Cup, the highest position we ever attained in the tournament.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

The ALLAH issue will break apart the unholy PR coalition

The name ALLAH in the Bible issue, a fire rekindled by DAP's Guan Eng probably to sew up the votes of Christians in Sabah and Sarawak for the DAP, sees no sign of abating, and unfortunately for Lim it is still burning within Pakatan, it is still burning until today when the PAS Syura Council delivered a stunning decision against the use of the name ALLAH,  and it threatens to consume the loose coalition of DAP,PAS and PKR in a fire that sees no sign of going away. 

Anwar Ibrahim the DAP anointed PM in waiting's position, is not surprising, the ketua umum PKR desperately need DAP Chinese support to shore up his severely weakened party which are hemorrhaging Malay Muslim and even Indian support by the day to BN.

This drew a very quick uncharacteristic response from PAS:

Pas leaders rally around Syura Council

KUALA LUMPUR: In an immediate reaction, Pas leaders yesterday rebutted Datuk Seri Anwar's stance of allowing non-Muslims to use the word "Allah".

In sticking to their guns in defence of the party's Syura Council's decision not to allow non-Muslims the use of the word "Allah", those the New Straits Times spoke to yesterday unanimously rejected the stand taken by their DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat allies on the matter.

Pas Syura Council senior member Datuk Mahfodz Mohamed, in rebuking Anwar, said Pas members would always adhere to the decision of the council, which is the party's highest authority.

Mahfodz said Anwar must remember that while he could voice his opinions on the matter, the PKR de facto leader should not forget that the Syura Council also had a voice of its own.

"The council is Pas' highest institution, which charts the party's direction.

"All Pas members will adhere to what has been decreed by the council.

"Anwar wants to talk? That is his opinion and right. We have our rights, too," he said.

Pas ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib said Anwar's statement did not change his stance.

"Our relationship is only political and not religious in nature. Hence, I am not changing my stand on the issue," he said.

Pas Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi stressed that the decision by the Syura Council remained absolute, and "outsiders" should not interfere with the council's affairs.

He said any attempt by those from outside Pas to undermine the Syura Council's decision, including the recent call by DAP national chairman Karpal Singh for Pas to review its stand on the matter, would be rejected.

On the growing number of non-governmental organisations, such as Jati and Perkasa, voicing similar sentiments on the issue, Nasrudin said Pas' cause should be supported to uphold Muslim rights.

"Those who do not have the authority in the (Syura) council should respect its decision, which, on this matter, is final. We will not budge (despite calls to reconsider the decision) and our stand should be supported," he added.

And PAS grassroots make no bones about what they think of DAP Karpal's interference in the Syura Council decision on the use of the name ALLAH for Muslims only, Read:

What would happen with the fuck up by foul mouth Guan Eng is that though DAP will significantly benefit from cementing their vote bank among Chinese and also Christians supporting the DAP but the fallout will be votes by Malay Muslims for PAS,PKR will significantly go to BN. 

In 2008 the Chinese support for the DAP,PKR,PAS reached a pinnacle of a staggering 80% and with some help of Indian and Malay votes they decimated Gerakan and almost destroyed MCA. BN lost 2/3rd majority.

In 2013 The Chinese and Christian support will be 90% for the DAP only, ensuring DAP of increased DUN and Parlimen seats while PAS and PKR will be given a serious whacking by the majority Malay Muslims and minority Indians who are disappointed with the broken promises of Pakatan Rakyat..Remember Kampung Buah Pala my dear Indian friends.

I predict there will not be a Pakatan Rakyat after PRU13, Thanks to DAP Lim Guan Eng.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Paderi Jahya Iskandar: ALLAH is for Muslims Only

After reading this article, I don't think there is any doubt that the name ALLAH is exclusively for Muslims, from Utusan:

Penganut Kristian harus bersikap toleransi - Paderi Jahja

Saharudin Musthafa

JAKARTA 20 Jan. - Penganut agama Kristian di Malaysia harus bersikap toleransi menerima kebenaran bahawa kalimah Allah hanya khusus untuk kegunaan umat Islam.

Segala desakan yang dibuat untuk meminta kalimah Allah digunakan oleh penganut agama Kristian tegas Paderi Jahja Iskandar, hanya akan mencetuskan suasana kurang elok dalam masyarakat.

Menurut Jahja (atau disebut Yahya), beliau yakin penganut agama Kristian yang rasional di Malaysia boleh menerima kebenaran itu tanpa sebarang rasa prejudis.

"Apa lagi agama Kristian juga mengajar penganutnya supaya menanam nilai-nilai peradaban yang baik dalam kehidupan mereka.

"Justeru, saya menasihatkan pengurusan gereja atau pemimpin-pemimpin Kristian supaya menerima kebenaran ini dengan rasa terbuka," kata Jahja kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Jahja juga memberitahu, beliau menyedari dan memahami desakan yang datang daripada masyarakat untuk bukan Islam menggunakan kalimah Allah dibuat disebabkan salah faham terhadap ajaran dan pengetahuan yang ada pada mereka selama ini.

Salah faham itu jelas Jahja, menyebabkan bukan Islam membuat kesimpulan bahawa Allah juga hak mereka.

"Sedangkan hakikatnya nama Tuhan umat Islam sangat konsisten iaitu Allah. Nama itu langsung tidak pernah berubah sejak Islam wujud lagi sehingga ke hari ini.

"Atas kerana itu saya katakan dalam kitab suci al-Quran, dalam terjemahan bahasa apa sekalipun nama Allah tetap diguna pakai. Nama Allah tiada terjemahan atau dialih bahasa. Ini yang harus menjadi ingatan umat Kristian," tegas Jahja lagi.

Pada masa sama, Jahja memberitahu, menjadi tanggungjawab beliau untuk memastikan semua umat tidak kira Islam, Kristian atau apa agama sekali pun hidup sejahtera di dalam dunia ciptaan Yang Maha Esa ini.

Paderi Jahja dalam kenyataan yang disiarkan dalam akhbar Mingguan Malaysia menegaskan, penganut agama Kristian harus menyedari bahawa sejak sekian lama kalimah Allah secara umum lebih banyak difahami dan berkonotasi sebagai kata nama Tuhan atau sembahan yang khas untuk umat Islam.

"Lihat sahaja dalam kitab suci umat Islam, al-Quran sama ada dalam terjemahan bahasa Inggeris, bahasa Belanda waima bahasa Melayu sekalipun, kalimah Allah terang-terangan disebut tanpa ada sebarang perubahan.

"Dari sudut pandang linguistik, setiap sembahan atau Tuhan harus memiliki nama. Dan Tuhan umat Islam itu ialah Allah, ia tidak boleh diterjemahkan kerana ia merupakan nama khas," kata beliau.

Berbeza dengan umat Kristian, Tuhan sembahan mereka berasaskan bahasa asli perjanjian lama, iaitu Ibrani (bahasa digunakan orang Yahudi) dikenali sebagai Elohim.

Seandainya diterjemahkan ke bahasa Arab, kata yang tepat bagi menggantikan Elohim ialah Ilah iaitu berasaskan terjemahan paling awal ke bahasa Arab iaitu Inskripsi Zabad pada tahun 512.

Kalimah Elohim turut disebut dalam pelbagai nama lain seperti Tete Manis bagi penganut Kristian Maluku, Jubata (Kristian Dayak), Diyos (Kristian Filipina), Sang Hyang Widi (Kristian Bali), God (Kristian Amerika Syarikat), Theos (Kristian Yunani) dan lain-lain lagi. - UTUSAN

If there are still doubts, the Pope's emissary is now here in Malaysia, perhaps my Malaysian Christian friends  would like to seek his opinion once Archbishop Marino settles down.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Immigrants are welcome to MY as long as they can & are willing to speak Bahasa Melayu

"There is a time wasting Royal Commission of Inquiry going on in Sabah about the Minadanaos and Moros being given citizenship.

Lim Kit Siang is making a big issue about the Moros and Mindanaos being given citizenship in Sabah. Lim Kit Siang is born of immigrants as well. Now he is questioning why other immigrants are being given citizenship. Thats how it comes across. 

Allow me to irritate our other immigrant citizenry : would it be too out of place to suggest that we have a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate why 1.0 million immigrants (mostly Chinese and Indians) were given citizenship in Malaya in the 1950s? 

I mean surely there must be at least five million Malays on the Peninsula today who may be wondering why or how that particular incident happened? Were they consulted? Was there a public referendum?

Is this a fair request? Or its not fair? Lets not argue about the fairness. Lets have a RCI first on the issue - how and why 1.0 million Chinese and Indians (including my mamak gang of course) were given citizenship" 
Syed Akbar Ali blog

Yes, the Sabah RCI is ongoing, so really there is not much we can do but wait for the Commission to meet and interview all the witnesses to be called by the RCI after which the RCI will make a report to the DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung. I hope the outcome will be made public and really we must thank the Najib led BN Gomen for making the RCI possible, its about time that the Sabah Immigrant issue be laid out bare to the public.

Welcome to the globalised world friends, where people migrate to different countries for any reasons under the sun, and its a daily affair, nothing unusual except  perhaps for Malaysia's very narrow minded Opposition who thinks its about voting in the BN in numbers during election. Nothing unusual about that too as the Pakatan Opposition thrives on hate and incitement. 

Personally, I am OK with immigrants coming to this country and be given  Malaysian citizenship as long as they can and are willing to speak Bahasa Melayu and fulfill the citizenship criteria set by our Laws [read], anybody is welcome.

Bad people coming into this country? No problem, On becoming a Malaysian citizen they are subjected to Malaysian Laws and if they break the law they get fined or get sent to jail. Simple as that.

To my Malaysian friends who are not happy about immigrants becoming Malaysian citizens because they would vote for BN...I tell you this...there is no guarantee that those folks will tick BN candidate at the ballot boxes. Generally people will vote for the best candidate/party that will look after their interest, this is a fair country lah. Remember the 1 million Chinese and Indians immigrants who were granted citizenships by Malaysia 1st PM, Tunku Abdul Rahman, well, there are no guarantees that these citizens of Malaysia and their Malaysian children will vote for BN kan? Fair is fairlah people.

Hey, Our population is only about 28 million people, we should go for 70 million people there are plenty of space and prosperity to be shared around in this great blessed country called Malaysia.

Blogger Dato' RockyBru have a very interesting post, read his blog: "RCI Sabah Pendatang Dulu, Pendatang Sekarang" which literally means RCI Sabah, Immigrants then, Immigrants now. 


Blogger OutSyedTheBox: Alamak they were ISA detainees.

I like what was reported by Agenda Daily on how Tun M replied to the early disclosures in the Sabah RCI:

Pengkhianat: Ini jawapan Dr Mahathir.

Dalam sidang media selepas wacana di Karang Kraf Shah Alam pada petang Khamis, Dr Mahathir berkata pembangkang boleh tuduh beliau apa saja termasuk pengkhianat tetapi semua yang dilakukan berdasarkan undang-undang.

"itu tak jadi masalah kerana dituduh (pengkhianat) oleh ramai orang. Tapi ada juga yang puji,"ujar beliau.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas mengenai dakwaan bekas Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Sabah, Ramli Kamarudin bahawa kerajaan pada ketika itu terlibat memberikan kad pengenalan kepada pendatang asing (beragama Islam) di Sabah.

Ramli ketika menjadi saksi kepada Suruhanjaya Diraja (RCI) berkenaan pendatang asing di Sabah mendakwa menerima arahan daripada bekas Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub agar mengeluarkan resit bagi membenarkan pendatang asing di Sabah mengundi pada pilihan raya negeri itu pada 1994.

Menurut Dr Mahathir, Malaysia sentiasa menerima orang asing untuk menjadi warga negara sekiranya mereka memenuhi syarat-syarat tertentu.

"Ramai yang ada di Sabah, mereka berada di situ bukan satu dua hari, satu dua tahun... ada 20, 30 tahun. Mereka ini bercakap dalam bahasa Melayu. Mereka berhak untuk menjadi rakyat. Yang menjadi masalah ialah ialah ada orang yang tidak senang kalau mereka jadi rakyat."

"Orang ini sebelum kita merdeka pun, mereka berulang alik daripada selatan Filipina ke Sabah kerana mereka tidak terima sempadan yang digaris oleh penjajah.

"Seperti juga di Sumatera dan Semenanjung. Kita terima sesiapa yang ada di sini sebagai rakyat, kenapa kita nak tolak mereka?

Kalau mereka lakukan jenayah, mereka terdedah kepada undang-undang kita juga. Tetapi mereka diperlukan oleh Sabah."

Walau diasak bertalu-talu oleh wartawan, Dr Mahathir relaks jawab satu persatu persoalan yang dilontarkan.

Bahkan di satu peringkat, beliau memulangkan 'paku buah keras' kepada soalan seorang wartawan pro pembangkang yang mempersoalkan kenapa beliau beri kerakyatan kepada pendatang Islam warga asing di Sabah.

"Tunku Abdul Rahman lebih teruk dari saya, dia bagi kerakyatan kepada satu juta orang dahulu tanpa pemeriksaan teliti. Saya tidak nafikan pembabitan saya (di Sabah) tapi Tunku beri satu juta kerakyatan di Semenanjung selepas merdeka tiada siapa pertikai..."katanya.

Ditanya mengenai dakwaan bahawa kerajaan pimpinannya sengaja memberikan status kerakyatan kepada pendatang asing sebelum pilihan raya Sabah pada 1994 agar kumpulan berkenaan mengundi menyokong kerajaan, Dr Mahathir berkata ia mungkin berlaku secara kebetulan.

"Ia mungkin dilakukan sebelum pilihan raya negeri, tapi ia sama ada secara tak sengaja atau dirancang...saya tak pasti.

"Tapi ia dibuat berdasarkan peruntukan undang-undang. Jika ia berlaku sebelum pilihan raya (negeri), ia tak bermakna bertentangan dengan undang-undang," katanya.

Berhubung sama pemberian status warga negara kepada pendatang asing di Sabah merupakan alasan politik agar UMNO dan Barisan Nasional (BN) terus berkuasa di negeri itu, Dr Mahathir berkata: "Tidak...ini adalah hak mereka (mendapat kerakyatan bagi yang layak).

"Bila mereka menjadi warga negara, sama ada mereka sokong Umno, BN atau siapa sahaja, itu hak mereka.

"Ia adalah fakta bahawa bukan semua mereka menjadi penyokong BN," katanya.

Beliau bahkan turut mengatakan kesediaannya untuk menjadi saksi kepada Suruhanjaya Diraja tersebut jika keterangan beliau diperlukan.

"Jika mereka minta saya hadir, saya akan pergi"ujarnya.

read the rest of the Agenda Daily Report here.

I think these polemics about new immigrants would not stop, as long as it can be made political capital by the bankrupt of ideas Pakatan crowd to shoot at the BN Gomen. 

As for me, I would gladly have new immigrants who wants to speak Bahasa Melayu in their daily life and wants to interact with all Malaysians, and who are willing to work and live and make this country and all its citizens prosper, to become citizens of Malaysia any time.

Posted in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Selangor Water Supply Issue: SYABAS Strike Back at Selangor Pakatan Gomen

"The allegation that the water crisis is organised by Syabas is totally unfounded and uncalled for as there is no people with the right frame of mind would do such a thing especially if it affects public interest and costs its own money million of ringgits to remedy. Syabas has the records and statistics to support the shortage of treated water supply. The same records and statistics have been submitted to the State Government of Selangor as periodical reports and also via audit conducted by the State as well as to the representatives of the State in the Board of Directors of Syabas."
Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS)

"The fundamental roles and responsibilities of Syabas under the Concession Agreement is to distribute treated water and collect charges in the form of water tariff as gazetted by the government.

The treated water that is sold and supplied by water treatment operators (the private companies which includes SPLASH, Konsortium Abass and Konsortium Air Selangor where the State Government of Selangor is one of the equity holders in these companies. Thus, Syabas is not responsible for determining the water treatment plant capacity.

In the aspects of improvement, enhancement, upgrading and new development of water distribution infrastructure facilities which have been categorised as CAPEX program under the Concession Agreement, it is subjected to approval from SPAN with prior endorsement to be obtained from the State Government and Federal Government. It has been continuously made known to the general public by Syabas that majority of the CAPEX program has been frozen by SPAN on the directives from the State Government of Selangor since May 2008. Thus implementation of works by Syabas on improvement, upgrading and development of new project for water supply distribution infrastructure system have been denied by the State Government of Selangor."
Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS)

I can only deem the technical reply given by Syabas today to counter the  rubbish thrown at them by the recalcitrant Selangor Pakatan Gomen which did not give any solution to the problem but only complicate matters by trying to politicise the water supply problem,  as a SYABAS strike back... it laid bare the lies thrown at them by the very State Gomen which should have helped SYABAS to supply treated water to Selangor, KL and Putrajaya consumers. 

After reading the SYABAS reply, I think SYABAS should sue the MB of Selangor and his Exco Xavier Jayakumar and some other clueless Pakatan politicians for defamation, politicians especially those in the Executive should have behaved more responsibly ... from the FMT:

PETALING JAYA: In the past weeks Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) had come under a barrage of criticism following water disruption in several parts of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.

The water supplier’s technical development executive director V Subramaniam met the media today to dispel all allegations hurled against it by politicians.

The water firm has also released a list of allegations levelled against it and provided answers to the allegations.

Below are excerpts from the list provided by Syabas:

The Menteri Besar of Selangor in his media statement issued on Jan 9, 2013 said that Syabas does not have periodical preventive maintenance for the Variable Speed Drive (VSD) system at Wangsa Maju pumping station as Syabas does not have any periodical maintenance contract with the VSD’s supplier.

This allegation is not true as the maintenance work of the pumping station has been done frequently on monthly basis by Syabas employees. In this regard, if during routine inspection and maintenance work the service of expert including replacement of parts is required, Syabas would engage ABB Malaysia Sdn Bhd (ABB), the manufacturer and distributor of VSD sistem on ad-hoc basis (case to case). The scheduled maintenance program has been submitted to SPAN.

The Menteri Besar also said that the pump trip incident was not due to the failure of the system as the VSD is an intelligent system that is capable of receiving external information such as the status of the motor, pump, vibration, temperature etc.

The statement made by the Menteri Besar of Selangor is totally not true because the VSD system is a vital component of the pump house. The pump trip incident is not due to operations of the VSD. If any of the components in the pump house break down due to operating continuously above its design capacity and/or overload manner for long period of time, the VSD would not start.

In the same media statement issued on Jan 9, the Menteri Besar of Selangor also said that the parts for the pumping system can be procured from China with delivery using courier service, not only from Finland as claimed by Syabas.

In this aspect, Syabas wish to state it was informed verbally by the supplier that the parts are obtained from Finland. Nevertheless, the most pertinent issue is how fast the item can be delivered. In this case one of the parts was delivered after 2 ½ months after the order was issued.

The Menteri Besar of Selangor further said that Syabas failed to identify the cause of the failure of the pumping system at the pump house and further claimed that the investigation by the State Government of Selangor reveals that the Pump No. 2 has been faulty for more than one year without being repaired.

The main cause of the failure of the pump house is due to operating above its design capacity and/or overload manner for long period of time. The breakdown is on the electrical and electronic components. Syabas has the evidence on this as the dedicated log book for the pumping station has the record of all activities performed by the pumping system including the maintenance works undertaken. Copy of the log book has already been forwarded to SPAN which subsequently forms a Special Committee to audit the maintenance work done at the pump house.

As for the Pump No. 2 of the Wangsa Maju Pumping Station, the equipment frequently experiences the breakdown of its VSD system. In all occasions, repair work is carried out by ABB as the repair works also require engineering specialist from the company. Nevertheless, the Pump No. 2 was unable to sustain due to frequent breakdown of its VSD system which causes instability of the Pump, thus becoming less operable. The frequent breakdown and the repeated repair works consumes long period of times. Nevertheless, during the repair period, the pump house is still able to operate above the design capacity in order to meet the treated water demand by the consumers.

The Menteri Besar of Selangor also said that in 2012, Wangsa Maju pumping station was operating above 200 MLD (Million Liters perDay) for a total of 18 days only.

Syabas strongly refutes this allegation because the pump house has the record and statistics that shows the Wangsa Maju pumping station has been operating beyond 200 MLD for a total of 2,023 times in 2012, not merely 18 days as claimed by the Menteri Besar of Selangor.

The Menteri Besar of Selangor in his statement said that the State Government of Selangor has a good knowledge on the failure of the Wangsa Maju pumping station and Syabas has been reminded accordingly but no action was taken.

This statement is totally untrue as the State Government of Selangor has never issued any reminders and/or any notice of similar intent and nature in writing and/or verbally and/or in any form of similar manner.[MB Selangor caught lying to the public]

The Menteri Besar of Selangor also said that Syabas only submitted its application to build additional and new pumping system at Wangsa Maju pumping station in November last year and it was recommended by the State Government early this year.

The allegation made by the Menteri Besar of Selangor is grossly untrue because the proposal to develop additional pumping station at Wangsa Maju was submitted to the Federal Government in June 2009. The same proposal was submitted to the State Government of Selangor in Jan 2010. In both instances, there was no response received by Syabas until March 2012 when the proposal was approved by the Federal Government for implementation. The project which is being implemented by the State Government of Selangor is fully funded by the Federal Government via loan to the State. As of to-date, the development has only reached the design stage..[MB Selangor caught lying to the public]

The Menteri Besar of Selangor also claimed that Syabas states that it has insufficient fund to repair the pump due to no water tariff increase by the people of Selangor. The Menteri Besar further said that the State Government is prepared to repair the breakdown if Syabas has no money and incapable.

Syabas reiterates that it has never issued a statement that says it has no money to repair the pump due to no water tariff increase. Nevertheless, if the State Government of Selangor which holds 30% equity in Syabas is willing to provide fund for the maintenance of the Syabas’ pump houses, such move would be most welcome.

YB Xavier Jayakumar in his statement published by Sinar Harian also said that the State Government construed Syabas as pure negligent and its negligence is criminal in nature and construed that the water supply disruption is a sabotage and organised by Syabas to tarnish the image of the State Government of Selangor. He added that Syabas is incapable of supplying water to the people and pursue profits only by increasing water tariff from time to time.

In the same instances, YB Janice Lee, ADUN Teratai also said that the water issue was up-played by media controlled by Barisan Nasional (BN) to tarnish Pakatan Rakyat Selangor Government whereas it is the failure of Syabas. According to her, the water supply disruption is one of the sabotages by UMNO-BN towards Selangor Government.

Syabas strongly refutes the said allegations due to the followings:-

The failure of Wangsa Maju pumping station is purely due to operating above its design capacity for a long period of time in the recent years in order to supply water to the consumers. The failure is anticipated and has occurred even though the pump house has been continuously maintained periodically.

The shortage of treated water has been made known all the while to all parties and general public. The State Government of Selangor itself has acknowledged the matters is legitimate by forming and putting into action the Special Water Supply Monitoring Committee that has daily and weekly meeting with Syabas chaired by YB Dato’ Kushrin, the State Secretary since July 2012 and followed by the State Government of Selangor’s proposal to build water treatment plant using membrane technology to increase treatment capacity and proposal to activate Bukit Jelutong Water treatment Plant shows that water disruption is not a sabotage and organised by Syabas.

The allegation that the water crisis is organised by Syabas is totally unfounded and uncalled for as there is no people with the right frame of mind would do such a thing especially if it affects public interest and costs its own money million of ringgits to remedy. Syabas has the records and statistics to support the shortage of treated water supply. The same records and statistics have been submitted to the State Government of Selangor as periodical reports and also via audit conducted by the State as well as to the representatives of the State in the Board of Directors of Syabas.

YB Xavier Jayakumar also said that water supply and distribution is the responsibility of Syabas and not the State Government of Selangor as stipulated in the Concession Agreement; and the State Government of Selangor is prepared to stand as witness for the consumers who files claims against Syabas.

Syabas refutes these allegations and reiterates that:-

The fundamental roles and responsibilities of Syabas under the Concession Agreement is to distribute treated water and collect charges in the form of water tariff as gazetted by the government.

The treated water that is sold and supplied by water treatment operators (the private companies which includes SPLASH, Konsortium Abass and Konsortium Air Selangor where the State Government of Selangor is one of the equity holders in these companies. Thus, Syabas is not responsible for determining the water treatment plant capacity.

In the aspects of improvement, enhancement, upgrading and new development of water distribution infrastructure facilities which have been categorised as CAPEX program under the Concession Agreement, it is subjected to approval from SPAN with prior endorsement to be obtained from the State Government and Federal Government. It has been continuously made known to the general public by Syabas that majority of the CAPEX program has been frozen by SPAN on the directives from the State Government of Selangor since May 2008. Thus implementation of works by Syabas on improvement, upgrading and development of new project for water supply distribution infrastructure system have been denied by the State Government of Selangor.

To ensure the operations of water distribution is maintained as per the Concession Agreement, water tariff requires to be adjusted based on the stipulations as stated in the Concession Agreement but the matter has been deferred by the State Government of Selangor. Despite this, Syabas continues its obligations without compromising on the quality of services and regular maintenance of the assets but has to sacrifice the water treatment operator as the payments for the purchase of treated water faces deferrals.

It is not ethical for the State Government of Selangor that holds 30% equity and representatives in the Board of Directors of Syabas encourages consumers to file claims against Syabas whereas the incapability as stated by the State Government of Selangor and the constraints faced by Syabas entirely due to their refusal to grant approval for improvement, upgrading and new development of water distribution infrastructure system (CAPEX Program) proposed by Syabas.

YB Xaviar Jayakumar also claimed that the water supply issues occur because Syabas is arrogant and Syabas refused to work with the State Secretary, YB Dato’ Kushrin for the assistance on additional water tankers from the Municipal Councils. Syabas instead sought help from water supply companies outside Selangor.

Syabas reiterates that the matter has been raised and deliberated in the weekly meeting of Special Water Supply Monitoring Committe formed by the State Government of Selangor. The meeting is chaired by the State Secretary, YB Dato Khusrin or his representative. Thus, it is entirely not true that Syabas did not inform the State Government of Selangor or did not seek the assistance from the Authority.

Despite the fact that the matter was raised and deliberated regularly during the daily State Special Water Supply Monitoring Commitee meeting that the assistance from the State Government could help to reduce the inconvenience faced by the people, the assistance provided to Syabas was less encouraging. The State Government of Selangor through the Municipal Councils (MC) deployed an initial of four water tankers on Jan 5, 2013 which is six days after the water disruption occurs. Subsequently on 6 January 2013 (3 units), 8 January 2013 (4 units), 9 January 2013 (4 units), 10 January 2013 (2 units), 11 January 2013 (10 units), 12 January 2013 (13 units), 13 January2013 (10 units) and 14 January 2013 (2 units). The deployment of water tankers from the MC is inconsistent whereby there were days that no water tankers were deployed to Syabas. In addition, the support provided by the State Government of Selangor is also not comprehensive as volunteers and workforce to assist consumers in taking water were not present. For a big State such as Selangor, logically the number of volunteers should be large and more water tankers should be readily available. What is disappointing also is the water tankers sent by the State Government of Selangor fail when first tested for water quality standard leaving the water tankers unsuitable to carry water supply relief to the areas facing water supply disruption. These water tankers have to be cleaned first until they pass the test on water quality standard before they can be deployed in the field.

YB Zuraidah Kamaruddin, Member of Parliament for Ampang accused Syabas of not taking into consideration the long term planning in developing more effective and reliable management for maintenance, system upgrade, periodical monitoring, effective support system and capable management.

Syabas refutes such allegation and the statement is totally untrue because periodical maintenance of pump houses is part of the annual equipment, instrumentation and facilities for water distribution infrastructure system submitted at the beginning of each calendar year to SPAN for approval as stipulated in the Concession Agreement. The maintenance reports are submitted on six monthly basis to SPAN for monitoring purposes. For upgrading works, rehabilitation works and new development of water distribution infrastructure system, they are part of the CAPEX Program planned by Syabas. With the exception of critical works and routine replacement and maintenance works, the CAPEX Program was frozen by SPAN on the directives from the State Government of Selangor since July 2008. This causes Syabas being unable to implement a large part of the CAPEX program. Thus, by accusing Syabas of not taking into consideration the long term planning in maintenance, system upgrade, periodical monitoring, and support system is entirely unfounded and unfair.

The Menteri Besar of Selangor also said that the water supply disruption proves the awarding of water supply privatisation to unqualified and incompetent company is a failure.

Syabas strongly refutes this allegation and reiterates that the water supply disruption is due to the failure of Wangsa Maju pumping station which has been operating above its design capacity for a long period of time in the recent years in order to meet the increasing treated water demand by the consumers. The failure is anticipated and has occurred even though the pump house has been continuously maintained periodically because it was operating against the stipulated engineering and technical specifications. Despite the facts that have proven its validity, the State Government of Selangor still refuses to accept the fact that the State of Selangor is experiencing shortage of water treatment capacity compared to the demand.

In the same instances, YB Janice Lee (ADUN Teratai) alleged that the water supply problem shows the incompetency of Puncak Niaga and Syabas in managing the water supply operations as it is not the first time for Selangor in facing a water crisis.

Syabas refutes this allegation and reiterates that the Menteri Besar of Selangor and the State Government of Selangor have been informed since 2005 that the demand for treated water in Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya increases annually at the rate of 3.5% and the treatment capacity of the existing water treatment plants is not able to meet the demand forcing some of the 34 water treatment plants to operate continuously beyond its design capacity. The situation is worsened when the treated water capacity reserve is around 1% only. The State Government of Selangor is fully responsible for the water treatment capacity whereas under the Concession Agreement, Syabas is only responsible to distribute to the consumers the treated water supplied and sold by the water treatment operators, the private companies having mandate and absolute right to treat water for and on behalf of the State Government of Selangor.

The failure of Wangsa Maju pumping station is the result of it operating beyond the design capacity for long periods of time in the recent years in order to ensure treated water supply to the designated areas is available for the consumers. The failure is anticipated to occur and it has occurred even though the pump has been continuously maintained periodically. The refusal by the State Government of Selangor in granting the approval for the development of Langat 2 Water Treatment Plant and the delay in implementing the development of additional pumping station approved in March 2012 forces Syabas to operate the pump house beyond design capacity and on the overload manner just to ensure the pump house is able to meet the high demand of treated water from the designated areas.

In addition, the action taken against Puncak Niaga is completely unfair because Puncak Niaga was not involved in this issue. Whereas, it has helped the Sungai Langat Water Treatment Plant to operate at an overload level of up to 520 MLD as compared to the normal level at 470 MLD.

Member of Parliamant of Ampang, YB Zuraidah Kamaruddin in her statement in Sinar Harian alleged Syabas fails to have sufficient back-up water supply for the residents and she further said that Syabas does not have emergency plan to overcome the problem.

The allegation is totally not true as back-up water supply would only be possible if the treated water reserve capacity is sufficient. At present, the treated water supply reserve capacity is less than 1%, far below the industry comfortable level of 20%. The State Government of Selangor is fully responsible to ensure sufficient treated water reserve capacity, not Syabas. The situation in Gombak and Kuala Lumpur under contention can be avoided if the treated water reserve capacity is sufficient.

Actually what few know and very many more do not realise is that the looming  and ongoing water crisis in Selangor is due to the fact that while there are not much problem with the raw water supply from rivers and dams, there is a problem of treated water supply shortfall as the supply reserve, as SYABAS had stated is only 1%, this with all the major water treatment plants in Selangor  operating way above its designed capacity. That is why it is so important for the Langat 2 Water Supply Treatment plant be immediately allowed to start by the Selangor Gomen so that  by 2014 where the expected demand will exceed supply, consumers will not be faced with water rationing, unthinkable hardship in a modern and prosperous State in Malaysia.

To blame SYABAS on the water supply woes faced by consumers is such a low class, below the belt blow and ill informed reaction to the growing water supply crisis and the allegations and lies made by Pakatan politicians and Executives only proved that they are incapable of running a Water Supply Organisation what more a State in Malaysia, lets not even begin to talk about governing Malaysia itself lah.

One thing for sure is that WATER IS LIFE, and as an Engineer who had once led the operations of 14 Water Treatment Plants in Johor, I must say that Politicians who knows nuts about Water Supply should leave it to the real Water Experts to run our water supply organisation, its a very serious business catering to the needs of consumer 24/7, It is something way beyond their political expertise.

Posted in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

#KL112 Maybe the PRU can be called sooner if our PM had not decided already

The #KL112 rally on 12 January 2013 has come and gone, Syabas dan Tahniah to the PDRM who did a fantastic job of crowd control and they never gave any rogue elements in the largely peaceful Pakatan crowd a chance to cause trouble, seems the PDRM have improved with each street demos, that is a good thing.

 I would suggest however that since the inception of the Peaceful Assembly Act, I do believe that budget must be given to the PDRM to procure proper metal crowd control barrier which can be installed and dismantled at a moments notice, effective  examples I saw during my trips overseas, these barriers can be installed parallel to roads to channel demonstrators or perpendicular to roads to stop crowd from accessing the road further:

Anyway from what can be observed and reports from the press and the PDRM, the Pakatan crowd though quite large, the PDRM estimate only 45,000 but Pakatan say 100,000 (source), both figures did not come anywhere near the 1 million figure aimed by the organisers, it must have been a total let down for the Pakatan Leaders and brought a big smile to PM Najib and BN. 

I note that the crowd this time are mainly PAS supporters and the DAP crowd and leaders  are rather subdued and  conspicuously absent, I heard that even elderly DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang was not seen. 

Source OutSyed The Box
I believe that this will be the last big rally organised by the Pakatan crowd before the PRU13 and Pakatan leaders are very sensitive to public comments that the loose coalition is too dominated by the Racist Chinese DAP and PAS and PKR are just riding its coat tail. So the Saturday rally was to purportedly show Malay support and 'Malay' leadership and dominance of the Pakatan of DAP,PKR,PAS. 

Source Aljazeera - Crowd in Stadium Merdeka(enlarged pics) Note PAS flag & no DAP/PKR 
Of course we all know that it isn't so...the DAP dominance over PKR and PAS is complete. Observe how PAS roll over and played dead when DAP chief instigator Guan Eng re-ignited the ALLAH name issue and Karpal Singh consistently saying no to an Islamic State. And PKR? Well, for one the Parliamentary Opposition Leader position is DAP to make its own as they have the most number of Oppo seats in Parlimen, instead they appointed Anwar Ibrahim a non member Ketua Umum of PKR as Leader and PM in waiting, even though PAS is saying that Anwar is not suitable, and their President, Hj. Hadi is. I can go on and on about the kelam kabut nature of the Pakatan Beast not in this postlah.

During the rally many twit pics showed irresponsible parents who brought their children along for the demo, some of the children are very young. This has been going on for the past many demos, I am wondering why the PDRM do not intervene and arrest these parents on the spot for putting their children in harms way. I understand PDRM have given notice no children under 15 to the rallies. 

I hope the PDRM knows what they are doing(read) as the parents of this poor child sure as hell don't and if anything un-towards happened to these little children, guess who is going to get the blame:
Source here
Did Pakatan achieved their objective in #KL112? I don't know, but what I do know is the PDRM has done a wonderful policing job and BN leaders and supporters can keep calm and smile coming into the next PRU. 

Posted in Chittagong. Bangladesh.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

MAIS confirm that DYMM Sultan Selangor's decree is never in conflict with Court decisions

Dengan Nama ALLAH, for the record:

Soon after DYMM Sultan Selangor issued a decree on the name ALLAH on 8 January 2013, MAIS received a letter from a group of lawyers on 10 January 2013, read:

The Star: Lawyers send letter to MAIS over decree

KLANG: The Selangor Islamic Reli­gious Council (MAIS) has received a letter by a group of lawyers over the decree by the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah to ban non-Muslims in the state from using the word “Allah”.

The lawyers are claiming that this conflicted with a decision made by the High Court and Government.

MAIS corporate communication head Rohana Hassan, who confirmed receiving the letter, said the lawyers attached exhibits as evidence to prove that a settlement on the matter had been reached and it should not have resurfaced.

“We have not really gone through the documents as we only received them after office hours on Wednes­day.

“The council will issue a press statement once everything is finalised,” Rohana said.

MAIS secretary Datuk Mohd Misri Idris reportedly said Sultan Shara­fuddin had expressed shock and regret over DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng’s recent statement urging the Government to allow the word “Allah” to be used in the Malay version of the Bible.

Perkasa, meanwhile, urged the institution of the Malay rulers to take action on the matter to preserve the sanctity of Islam.

Its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said it was only ideal that the institution act on the issue.

Umno Veterans Club secretary Datuk Mustapha Yaakub urged the Opposition political parties to stop abusing the word “Allah” to garner votes.

As promised MAIS came back with a superb reply that put those lawyers and the Malaysiakini portal who went to town about the Sultan's decree, to shame and I am reproducing in full MAIS's reply taken from AIDC blog:

MAIS : Titah Sultan Selangor Tidak Bercanggah Dengan Perintah Mahkamah

AIDCNews – 11/01/13 – Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS) dalam kenyataan medianya hari ini menafikan Titah DYMM Sultan Selangor berhubung larangan penggunaan kalimah Allah 8 Jan bercanggah dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi, Kuala Lumpur.
Kenyataan MAIS yang dikeluarkan oleh pengerusinya, Dato’ Setia Haji Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa sebagai menjawab surat dari Tetuan Azri, Lee Swee Seng and co bertarikh 10 Jan yang mempertikaikan kedudukan DYMM Sultan Selangor sebagai Ketua Agama Islam yang termaktub dalam Perkara 3(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
“Kuasa dan kedudukan DYMM Sultan Selangor sebagai Ketua Agama Islam di negeri ini juga diperuntukkan di dalam Perkara XCVI Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor.
“Oleh yang demikian, DYMM Sultan Selangor selaku Ketua Agama Islam di negeri Selangor boleh pada bila-bila masa mengeluarkan titah berhubung isu-isu berkaitan agama Islam di negeri Selangor.”
Menurut MAIS, titah YMM Sultan Selangor itu selaras dengan kuasa baginda dan menurut peruntukan di dalam Enakmen Ugama Bukan Islam (Kawalan Perkembangan Di Kalangan Orang Islam) 1998 yang masih berkuatkuasa semenjak diwartakan pada 7 Julai 1988 dan selaras dengan Perkara 11 (4), Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang secara jelas melarang kalimah Allah digunakan bukan Islam.
Di samping itu fatwa berhubung dengan penggunaan kalimah Allah telah diwartakan di Negeri Selangor pada 18 Februari 2010.
“MAIS sedia maklum berkenaan kes Jill Ireland Lawrence Bill melawan Menteri Bagi Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan kerajaan Malaysia pada Mei 2009.
“Pada hakikatnya permohonan substantif kes berkenaan masih belum didengar dan perintah yang dilampirkan hanya pada perintah kebenaran memohon (leave application) sahaja di bawah Peraturan 53 Kaedah -kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi 1990.
“Kandungan surat daripada Tetuan Azri, Lee Swee Seng and Co yang mengambarkan perintah substantif telah dikeluarkan ternyata tidak bertepatan sama sekali dan mengelirukan serta bertujuan mencetuskan prasangka buruk di kalangan masyarakat terhadap kedaulatan dan kedudukan DYMM Sultan Selangor sebagai Ketua Agama di Negeri Selangor.
“Tindakan peguam berkenaan adalah amat tidak beretika dan boleh disifatkan menghina mahkamah kerana memberikan fakta yang salah mengenai kedudukan sebenar kes ini.”
MAIS turut menegaskan kedua-dua surat iaitu surat dari Pengerusi Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia (CFM) bertarikh 11 April 2011 dan memo dalaman Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri bertarikh 8 April 2011 tidak mengikat badan agama negeri itu.
“MAIS ingin menegaskan bahawa kedua-dua dokumen tersebut merupakan memo dalaman yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan Bible dalam bahasa Malaysia.
“Justeru itu, pihak MAIS memohon agar kandungan surat tersebut difahami dengan secara tepat dan tidak disalahertikan demi kepentingan mana-mana pihak.”
MAIS juga turut menjawab tentang kes mahkamah Menteri Dalam Negeri melawan Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur.
“Apa yang ingin ditegaskan di sini di dalam kes tersebut hanya tertumpu kepada isu penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam “Herald-The Catholic Weekly”.
“Walaupun keputusan mahkamah telah dikeluarkan, namun Mahkamah Tinggi telah membenarkan permohonan Peguam Negara Malaysia untuk menggantung pelaksanaan dan prosiding seterusnya berhubung dengan keseluruhan keputusan YA Hakim tersebut sehingga rayuan Perayu-Perayu di Mahkamah Rayuan dilupuskan dengan muktamad.
“Adalah diharapkan kenyataan media ini dapat menjelaskan kepada semua pihak kedudukan sebenar berhubung isu kalimah Allah supaya tidak timbul kekeliruan oleh mana-mana pihak.”
Syabas and Congratulations to MAIS for coming up with a superb straight to the point reply to the query by the lawyer(s) representing certain Christians' interest. 
By the way I think this quote by MAIS about the said lawyer(s) needed to be investigated by the powers that be; start quote: “Tindakan peguam berkenaan adalah amat tidak beretika dan boleh disifatkan menghina mahkamah kerana memberikan fakta yang salah mengenai kedudukan sebenar kes ini.” end quote. 
But above all I think many would agree that the said lawyer(s) need to apologise to the DYMM Sultan of Selangor and the sooner the better.
Allah hu Akbar......Allah is Great.
Posted in Dhaka, Bangladesh.