Saturday, 23 April 2011

The DAP is for all practical purposes the voice of ethnic Chinese community, is it a good or bad thing for Malaysia

As can be observed in the by-elections since March 2008 and the recent Sarawak State Elections, it is obvious that the DAP is multiracial in name only, it relies, panders on and canvasses for ethnic Chinese votes so much so that the DAP has now for all practical purposes become the political voice of the Malaysian Chinese community which has given it almost complete support since March 2008. The tired looking MCA and the Gerakan is virtually reduced to merely taking pot shots at the DAP with regards to this growing support. 

Going by this momentum and barring a last minute miracle that the MCA and Gerakan could persuade our Chinese brethrens to return to BN's fold it is likely that the next GE will see a political polarisation that has never before been seen since perhaps the early 1970s. The BN will in all likelihood win the next GE perhaps even get the magic 2/3rd majority (read here) but this BN will likely be dominated by the Malays/Bumis against an Opposition lead by the DAP dominated by ethnic Chinese. I personally do not think that this is good for Malaysia and something I firmly believed our PM Najib Razak does not want to happen, not on his watch anyway.

Readers should do well to read this article from Malaysia Instinct though:

Reject DAP to show that Chinese are not chauvinists
FRIDAY, 22 APRIL 2011 11:17

By: Susan Lim

DAP seems to not mind playing with fire.With the encouraging result they received in Sarawak’s election, the party seems more and more determine to continue the same game of promoting racism.

DAP’s chauvinisms were clearly displayed in Sarawak when they arrogantly call for the Chinese to consider race factor when throwing their votes.They attacked other races and played on sensitive religious issues without the slightest concern that they might hurt the feelings of fellow citizens.

DAP insulted Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud for being a Melanau, which reflect the real feelings of DAP towards all other Bumiputras including Malays, especially.Pehin Sri Taib has promised to step down, and the Sarawakians believe him because there is never any doubt over BN’s culture of a smooth transition of power. With that, there is really no need for DAP to insult anybody, any race or tribes while campaigning.

The arrogance of DAP is overwhelming whereby they tried to convince the Chinese that they don’t need the government. They believe that they can strive higher without having anything to do with the government.The irony is, they insist to be heard by the government and that all their demands and needs be fulfilled.
In the end, DAP managed to raise even more suspicion towards the Chinese and isolate them further from other races.

However, not all the Chinese were dragged into the dangerous game played by DAP. This is statistically proven with 38% of the Chinese especially in rural and remote areas of Sarawak chose to reject DAP and voted for BN.

The Chinese in the rural and remote areas found that DAP’s call to reject BN’s development campaign is irrelevant. DAP failed to see that the issues of development and infrastructure including basic infrastructure such as water and electricity are still very much relevant to the people in these areas.

Obviously DAP has no concern over the rural folks whom they assumed to be non-Chinese.

DAP was only thinking about the Chinese who makes up the majority of the people in the urban areas who already have almost everything that they might need in terms of development and infrastructure.

This only re-affirmed the fact that, DAP is a racist party and it will always be that way. With that in mind, Malaysians should ask ourselves these questions:

How could a racist party be fair and just when all they could think of is the Chinese and the already wealthy Chinese who want to be wealthier?

What would happen to the people in the rural and remote areas should DAP become the government of Malaysia?

How could DAP claim to fight for unity when they strongly insist to be separated and isolate themselves from others?

How could Malaysia be a better place under DAP if racial tensions keep rising?

Will there be peace in the country if everybody keeps targeting and blaming and pointing fingers to each other as a result of DAP’s racist leadership?

How can the Chinese continue to prosper should they continue to be under suspicion by other races for being chauvinists or racists?

Bottomline is, the Chinese need to prove to us that they are not chauvinists or racists like what DAP is making us believe. And the Chinese can only do that by rejecting DAP in the next election.
Source here.

I agree that the DAP is playing a very dangerous game of one-upmanship between races, pitting the Chinese against the non-Chinese. If majority of our  Chinese brethren especially those in the urban areas are taken in by the devisive message  that DAP sells, I am afraid that they will be committing a serious error of judgement. 

All Malaysians must understand that Malaysia is like a ship sailing on the ocean, all have a role to play one must depend on the other, no one race can survive on their own and no one race should even think about imposing their will on the other. Everybody is protected by the Perlembagaan. Malaysia is a real Democracy.


Anonymous said...

Pesanan saya yang awal tadi kat bro berniat baik. Nescaya terlepas cakap, maaf dipinta.

Yang saya nak komen sekarang ini merujuk kepada andaian DAP “insulted Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud for being a Melanau”. Setahu saya, hujah yang diutarakan dalam kempen DAP ialah kenapa orang Cina sebagai suatu suku kaum minoriti tidak berhak menjadi KM Sarawak walhal seorang Melanau yang juga berupa minoriti (yakni bukan Iban, bukan Kristian, dsb) boleh layak? Janganlah Malaysia Instinct buat pusing cerita dan tambah rencah lagi.

Si Penulis yang kononnya bergelar ‘Susan Lim’ itu juga mengupas: “... all they could think of is the Chinese”. Soalnya, adakah DAP betul-betul membela kaum Cina? Saya rasa tidak.

DAP punya meragam macamlah perempuan bunting. Yang mereka mengidam itu asyik-asyik undi Melayu kerana sedar dengan tanpa sokongan padu kaum majoriti, mereka tak akan ke mana. Contohnya di Sarawak, 12 kerusi bandar berjaya dirangkul tetapi kawasan pedalaman tidak bisa ditembusi.

Adakah DAP bersifat racist? Pada pandangan saya, mereka lebih mirip kepada despotic dan pantang ditegur. Wakil-wakil mereka talam dua muka pandai berpura-pura. Namun tatkala terdesak akan terus menyeru kepada bangsa sendiri; sila tengok --

Semenjak DAP mula tidur sebantal dengan pasangan kahwin mutaahnya, adakah parti itu pernah membangkitkan isu-isu Cina -- misalannya, aliran pendidikan bahasa ibunda? Jawapannya tidak.

Intipatinya, janganlah kita sekali-kali terpedaya bahawa DAP berjiwa Cina ataupun ligat menjaga kepentingan masyarakat Cina. Mereka sebenarnya tidak lebih daripada politikus yang tengah mabuk kuasa (iaitu sedikit sebanyak yang mereka nikmati masa kini).

eddy said...

Thanks for your very interesting comment Bro Anon 19:46, this subject will never have a conclusive answer but promises plenty of discussions, all learned views are welcome for sharing. Tq.

Anonymous said...

Ekoran daripada apa yang saya katakan di atas, hujah DAP sebenarnya boleh dibalas begini: Tan Sri Taib Mahmud mengepalai parti yang menang paling banyak kerusi. Maka dengan itu beliau telah dilantik sebagai Ketua Menteri.

Seandainya Pakatan mampu memenangi kerusi yang lebih berbanding BN serta jika DAP berjaya memenangi kerusi yang paling banyak, maka parti tersebut akan layak mencalonkan seorang Cina; dalam pada itu, ianya masih juga tertakluk kepada sama ada pelantikan tersebut dibolehkan atau tidak berlandaskan peruntukan-peruntukan sedia ada dalam perlembagaan negeri Sarawak.

Berbalik kepada soal adakah DAP akan sanggup mempertahankan hak-hak Cina, misalannya aliran pendidikan bahasa ibunda -- sayapun menanti dengan penuh minat.

Kontroversi terbaru mengenai penuntut lulusan sekolah Cina,