Tuesday 20 January 2015

Why is the Catholic Church still insistent to un-ban use of ALLAH for their BM Herald publication?

Update 22 January 2015:

Today the Federal Court has rightly disallowed the  Herald publication appeal for a Judicial Review. Lets move on shall we, Catholic Church can or not?

Original Post:

'There was no issue nor furore over the usage of this word (ALLAH) until the Roman Catholics in West Malaysia demanded that they too use it for their Herald publication despite knowing that usage of that word isn't conducive in the West Malaysian society'
Anon. Source here

The quite headline today:

A quite blog post a few days earlier :

Malaysia's root cause of racial and religious problems

This is an excerpt from Annie's post totally related to the Catholic Church demand to use Allah for the for their Bahasa Malaysia Herald publication:

actually, no, non Muslim bumi's Allah IS NOT under threat from ISMA and PERKASA. I agree that non Muslim Bumis are the poorest lot - and they are mainly in Sarawak. However - the word Allah for the Christians have always been allowed in Sarawak, always. There was no issue nor furore over the usage of this word until the Roman Catholics in West Malaysia demanded that they too use it for their Herald publication despite knowing that usage of that word isn't conducive in the West Malaysian society. That's when the whole mess started. Before this - Sarawakian Christians have been using the word without problem. Now the west malaysian dragged us all into the mess and try to pin the problems on someone else.

So no, it isn't ISMA and PERKASA who is the actual problem here. It's that freaking Catholic church that's so belligerent and stubborn that they couldn't even compromise and use a perfectly legible word (TUHAN, anyone??) for their BM publication and dare to bring Sarawak's Christian Bumis into the equation to push their cause. Talk about political opportunists!

But seriously why why is the Catholic Church still insistent to un-ban use of ALLAH for their BM Herald publication?

Whatever the Federal Court decision will be, we should ALL wait patiently and we should ALL accept its finality when it does come out.

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