Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year - Selamat Tahun Baru 2012

Happy New Year

With 2011 at its end, 2012 brings a fresh start, opportunities to be discovered and perhaps dreams to be realized. 

Wishing you and your loved ones only of good health, happiness and prosperity.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Ruhanie Ahmad - Perspektif Akademik Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia

Reverend Eu disekolahkan oleh Ruhanie Ahmad:

Perspektif akademik Perkara 153 — Ruhanie Ahmad

29 DIS — Artikel ini disedut daripada penyelidikan akademik dengan hipotesis bahawa pelbagai peruntukan strategik dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan boleh mencetuskan ancaman keselamatan masyarakat, keselamatan nasional dan kelangsungan negara jika ditafsirkan menerusi perspektif yang serong dan sempit.
Ini kerana Malaysia, sebuah negara bangsa di era pramerdeka telah ditransformasikan menjadi negara majmuk di era merdeka; sementara bangsa Melayu dan Bumiputera sebagai penduduk asal, serta keturunan Cina, India dan lain-lainnya selaku golongan migran di era pramerdeka telah digemblengkan menjadi warganegara dengan nasionaliti yang sama, menerusi kuasa Perlembagaan Persekutuan pada 15 Ogos 1957.
Hakikat ini menyebabkan Malaysia sentiasa terdedah kepada pelbagai elemen konflik (Buzan 1991:72), dicirikan oleh konflik etnik (Marger 2003:6), dan berkemungkinan dicengkam keadaan tidak selamat (Kaufman 2008:201).
Perkara 153 mengenai keistimewaan Melayu dan Bumiputera dimaktubkan ke dalam Perlembagaan negara berdasarkan mandat utama Ratu Inggeris dan Raja-Raja Melayu kepada Suruhanjaya Reid — mewujudkan a common nationality for the whole of the Federation and the safeguarding of the special positions of the Malays and the legitimate interests of other communities.
Suruhanjaya Reid juga mendapati kedudukan istimewa Melayu memang sentiasa diiktiraf di dalam pelbagai perjanjian antara pihak British dengan Negeri-Negeri Melayu.
Hakikat ini juga termaktub di dalam The Federation Agreement 1948 di mana Pesuruhjaya Tinggi British dipertanggungjawabkan dengan pemeliharaan keistimewaan Melayu dan kepentingan sah lain-lain bangsa.
Huraian ini bermaksud pemaktuban Perkara 153 bukan diperjuangkan oleh Perikatan. Sebaliknya, kerana peruntukan yang sama termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Negeri-Negeri Melayu dan The Federation Agreement 1948. Ini disahkan oleh Lennox-Boyd selaku Setiausaha bagi Tanah Jajahan British seperti berikut:
The special position of the Malays was recognised in the original treaties made by His Majesty in previous years, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria and others with the Malay States. It was reaffirmed when these treaties were revised. It was confirmed in The 1948 Agreement, and reference was expressly made to it in the terms of reference of the Reid Commission. So the Malay privilege clauses in the articles of the Constitution do not, in the main, introduce any precedent, but give recognition in the Constitution to the existing situation. The Reid Commission found very little opposition in any quarter in Malaya to the continuance of the present system for a time (ibid:12 Julai 1957).
R.H. Hickling (1979) pula menegaskan, pemaktuban Perkara 153 adalah berkait rapat dengan tahap kemiskinan bangsa Melayu di era penjajah. Huraian ini boleh difahami dengan lebih jelas menerusi pelbagai perangkaan mengenai tahap ekonomi di Tanah Melayu pada di era penjajahan.
The Department of Statistics (1958-1960) menegaskan, etnik Cina pada ketika itu [pada tahun 1957] menguasai ekonomi negara secara kukuh sementara orang Melayu masih dalam kemiskinan.
Ling Liong Sik (1995:3) menyatakan, seawal tahun 1937, pelaburan etnik Cina di Malaysia adalah sebanyak AS$200 juta berbanding pelaburan asing lainnya sejumlah AS$454.5 juta.
Gomez & Jomo (1997:14-15) menegaskan, pada tahun 1950-an, syarikat-syarikat Eropah menguasai 65 peratus (%) hingga 75% perdagangan eksport dan 60% hingga 70% perdagangan import [di Tanah Melayu]; syarikat-syarikat etnik Cina menguasai 10% daripada agensi eskport; syarikat etnik India menguasai 2% daripada perdagangan berkenaan; orang Melayu langsung tidak memiliki sebarang ekuiti dalam mana-mana perdagangan.
Dalam konteks di atas Faaland, Parkinson & Rais Saniman (2000:16-17) menegaskan seperti berikut: Orang Melayu menganggap peruntukan [Perkara 153] sebagai sesuatu yang suci, manakala setengah-tengah orang bukan Melayu mempersoalkan sama ada peruntukan tersebut adalah berkaitan dan mengikat hinggakan pada hari ini. Mengikut mana-mana tafsiran yang munasabah, makna peruntukan tersebut di dalam Perlembagaan adalah bahawa kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial orang Melayu yang lemah dari segi ekonomi hendaklah dilindungi dan digalakkan berbanding dengan orang bukan Melayu yang lebih maju. Sebagai balasan kerana diberikan kelebihan begini, orang Melayu mengadakan konsesi yang berpadu mengikut kuasa politik dengan memberikan kewarganegaraan Persekutuan kepada orang bukan Melayu. Sebagai tambahan, orang bukan Melayu dijaminkan bahawa mereka bebas menjalankan perniagaan tanpa diganggu, boleh mengekalkan dan mengembangkan budaya serta warisan mereka sendiri, dan boleh hidup secara berasingan. Dengan kata lain, Perlembagaan mengadakan peruntukan khas untuk orang Melayu, manakala warganegara bukan Melayu mempunyai haknya yang dijamin di bawah Perlembagaan (ibid).
Tan (1987:251) pula menegaskan, Perkara 153 sebenarnya mempunyai “careful balancing which has important bearing not only on social justice but even ethnic relations is also reflected in the provision for Malay reservations.”
Beliau mengetengahkan dua contoh khusus — pertamanya mengenai Perkara 153(9) yang memaktubkan “tiada apa-apa jua dalam Perkara ini boleh memberi Parlimen kuasa untuk menyekat perniagaan atau pertukangan semata-mata bagi maksud perizaban bagi orang Melayu dan anak negeri mana-mana antara Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak.”
Keduanya mengenai tanah simpanan Melayu. Tan memetik Perkara 89(2)(a) yang memaktubkan “jika mana-mana tanah di sesuatu negeri diisytiharkan sebagai tanah simpanan Melayu di bawah Fasal ini, suatu keluasan tanah yang sama dengan luas tanah itu di dalam negeri itu yang belum dibangunkan atau dicucuk tanam hendaklah diadakan bagi pemberian hak milik umum.”
Huraian Faaland et al. (2000) dan Tan (1987) membuktikan Perlembagaan Persekutuan adalah adil kepada seluruh warganegara Malaysia. Lantas adalah meleset untuk mana-mana pihak mentafsirkan Perkara 153 sebagai peruntukan yang menindas rakyat bukan Melayu.
Demikianlah latar belakang pembentukan Perkara 153 yang telah dikaji oleh Suruhanjaya Reid, Perikatan dan Jawatankuasa Kerja Tripartite dianggotai oleh wakil-wakil Kerajaan Perikatan, Raja-Raja Melayu dan Kerajaan British.
Kesimpulannya, Perkara 153 adalah peruntukan yang dimaktubkan secara teliti dan profesional bagi mengiktiraf sejarah dan jati diri bangsa Melayu dan bumiputera di tanah air asal mereka yang dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu.
Tafsiran sempit dan serong terhadap peruntukan ini boleh menyemarakkan sentimen perkauman dan berpotensi mencetuskan konflik etnik yang mengancam keselamatan masyarakat, keselamatan nasional dan kelangsungan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara majmuk yang kini aman, damai, makmur dan sejahtera. — Utusan Malaysia
* Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad ialah bekas Ahli Parlimen Parit Sulong, Johor dan bekas pelajar pasca siswazah bidang strategi dan keselamatan di UKM.

This is an explanation to once and for all debunk the Myth created by unknown that Article 153 would be removed after 15 years of was actually part of a series of recommendations by the then Reid Commission which was rejected by the Majlis Raja-Raja and the British Government and leaders of the Alliance Party. Read more in my blogger buddy posting here:

The Road To Merdeka – Article 153

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Extremism is extremism, it matters not what faith you profess

What is objectionable, what is dangerous, about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.
Robert F. Kennedy

This is an interesting article from about extremism, which seems to know no boundaries  which I would  like to share. The article is written by VT Columninst Mr. Ken Smith:

by Ken Smith

I  recently read a story online about a little 8-year old girl from Israel and the trouble she encounters just going to her local elementary school everyday because some ultra-orthodox Jews living in a city called Beit Shemesh take offense to the way she dresses .   Now, before anyone’s hair catches on fire, and before I get tons of emails screaming that we ought to nuke all the Jews or demand that all “Rag-head” Muslims or Blood Soaked Christian Crusaders should be murdered for what they have done in the past, hear me out.
It seems religious extremism has no boundaries.  As I read about this little girl in Israel, it made me think about my own 8-year old little girl living here in the USA and I wondered to myself what  would I do if someone was threating her on her way to school everyday just because she didn’t wear her clothing some particular way or somehow she showed her bare ankles or bare forearms or she wore a skirt that was deemed to be too short or she forgot her head scarf.  I wondered what I would do if someone other than me and my wife were talking to this little girl about this issue.
It prompted me to do some research online about religious extremism and what I have found after reading a ton of material is that no particular religion owns the exclusive franchise on extremism.  Jews, Muslims, Christians, they each have their own in-house nut jobs who think that their religion is the only way to a life after death, and if your not doing it their way, then your a heathen or a non believer or a devil.  I read stories about Muslims in some countries that don’t allow any education for any females, as doing so it seems is somehow against the Quran.  That’s just pure crap; I couldn’t find where it states that women are less than men in any of my searches and I even called a Mosque here in the states for some enlightenment about why women should not be taught in school.  To me, it’s just old men interpreting what they think the prophet spoke about in regards to women.  
These supposedly smart Imans think that women belong in the Kitchen and nowhere else.  They are afraid it seems that if women were treated as equals, well, the whole world would collapse. I also read that women can’t legally drive a car in Saudi Arabia.  What kind of a 7th century nut job rule is that?  I bet that again it was some religious whack-o who thought if women could drive, well, they wouldn’t stay home.  I read that in some of the Christian parts of city of Jerusalem Muslims are not welcome, and neither are Jews.  Seems that Christians think that the preaching of Jesus told them that Jews and Muslims are somehow bad to hang around with.  I couldn’t find that in the Bible or the New Testament either.
There are those who will think it is blasphemous for me to even write this article.  That somehow, because I am trying to draw out into the light, 7th century traditions and wacky interpretations that are outdated and have no part of a modern society, that I am somehow myself being extreme.  Go figure.
Here is what I know.
I live in the smallest state in the USA.  My neighbors (all living within a mile of me), are Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindu and one who practices Buddhism.    Now, I really don’t care if they pray to the moon, or if they don’t pray at all, but please don’t tell me who to pray too, or make fun of me if I don’t practice your religion.  Its called “Tolerance” and freedom of religion here and it means you have the right to practice what religion you which, but you can’t force me or anyone else to bend to your religions rules.
Living as a Jew in Baghdad these days is impossible because of extremism.  Not because you can’t find work, or don’t know how to do something constructive for the country, no, you see, living in Baghdad as a Jew puts you with (4) four other Jews, four, that’s right, four, out of a city of millions.  Four Jews are in Baghdad, and that is because?  It’s because there is no tolerance nor freedom to practice your religion of choice.
Then if you go to Medina, burial place of the prophet, you would see that there are no churches , no synagogues, no acceptance of any other religion besides the Muslin religion.  You begin to get the idea.  No one religion owns the franchise on stupid.  That’s right, stupid.   Its stupid not to allow a woman to drive a car and say that religion said so.  Its stupid to spit on an 8-year old little girl because she is not of your faith.  Its stupid to protest funerals of Veterans in the USA in the name of Jesus when you and I know, none of that is what any of the prophets  intended.
I really wish that Abraham could come back for a day and have a discussion with both Jesus, Muhammad and I really wish  it could be telecast live  on the internet for all to see.  I would love to hear that discussion, as I am sure, Abraham would say that somehow, his intent on belief of a higher power was never this collection of intolerance and hurt.
When are we going to end this ignorance and become more tolerant of each others belief’s?  I understand that this is not the be all end all explanation of these three branch’s of religion, all with one founder, but here is my best shot at explaining what we are dealing with here:
Muslim (Arabic: مسلم‎), also spelled Moslem,[1] is an adherent of Islam, a monotheisticAbrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. “Muslim” is an Arabic term for “one who submits to God”.
In Jewish tradition, Jewish ancestry is traced to the Biblical patriarchs AbrahamIsaac and Jacob in the second millennium BCE. The modern State of Israel defines itself as a Jewish state in its Basic Laws, and is the only country where Jews are a majority of the population.
Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamicmonotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament. “Christian” derives from the Koine Greek word Christ, a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term Messiah.
Now, it leads me back to the core concept that all men are created equal, and endowed with certain inalienable rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Now Jews that are intolerant of that little 8-year old girl should be sent onto the Island of Misfit religious whack-o’s, along with the religious police of countries that hunt down those that don’t pray enough, or are wearing the wrong clothing or driving a car, and it should include the nut job pastors and preachers who take their flocks to a foreign country and then have them drink spiked Kool-aid to allow them to get closeer to their god.
Extremism is Extremism
Enough is enough.
To read the article in full go here.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Surely Reverend you must have something else to say during Christmas eve

I always think that Christmas is a time for holidays with the family, but this year my festive mood is spoilt a bit by Reverend Eu  who was reported to have commented on the Article 153 of the Perlembagaan, read here. I am not interested to speculate why the good Reverend would home in on Article 153 during Christmas eve, maybe his intentions are "good". Instead of stirring the hornets nest, he ought to take example on how to give a X'mas Message from  Pope Benedict XVI without being accused of trying to play politics:

Read in full what the Pope's Christmas Message were.

Of course the Reverend's statement will draw a response:

here from a blog I like to visit:

Christmas, roasted turkey and politics

and here from a blogging buddy who have put Lim Guan Eng in his place many times:

What about Article 153 you must say:
Article 153 Special Position of Bumiputras.png

Article 153 also says:
Article 153 Legitimate Interests of Other Communities.png

Maybe the good Reverend ought to read and understand the History of the formation of Malaysia and the whole of the Perlembagaan first and then Article 153 for good measure before he says something which is obviously political in nature and affects the sensitivity of the various races in Malaysia and does the Reverend know that a majority of the Christians in Malaysia are made up of our brother Bumiputras in Sabah and Sarawak? 

Nobody is bullying anybody in Malaysia lah Reverend. But for sure definitely there will parties who will give you a strong response to what you have to say, read here too. Malaysia is a working democracy you know, the right to say something also goes with the right to give a verbal response in kind. 

I think its not easy being the Government of a multiracial and multi religious country the only one of its kind in the world. You just can't please everybody can you?

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Its the time of the year where friends all over the world celebrate Christmas. 

Wishing friends who I have since lost contact especially Jim and Helen Payne residing in France, if you guys are reading this, I really miss those long chit chat about almost anything under the sun. It is that time of the year again, when you are thankful for everything merry and bright. May this Christmas be a delight! Wishing you and all friends a Merry Christmas!

This song specially for all who  are celebrating Christmas:

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Convent Bukit Nenas new Principal; Kementerian Pelajaran should hold its ground

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Convent Bukit Nenas (CBN) is sailing into controversy. What started off as a normal replacement of a Principal after retirement of the older,  has apparently turned into a why you the Kementerian who funded the school did not consult us the School Board before you send this Principle who we do not know of. The story so far can be read here.

Apparently the CBN School Board who had sent their own nominees for the replacement Principle were not informed that the Kementerian had their own choice of school head. I believe it is the Kementerian's Choice as they ultimately pays for the salary of the Principle and other  teachers the school being what it is, a fully funded Sekolah Menegah Kebangsaan.

Though the Kementerian's action seems heavy handed I am sure they have their legitimate reasons to do so and after all there are thousands of SMKs around this blessed country to manage which include other "elite" and long established schools such as MCKK, Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar (English School), Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid, Penang Free, Malacca High etc. etc. which produced many illustrious sons and daughters of this country, so what makes the CBN School board think that CBN is that special? 

The Kementerian Pelajaran has  many SMKs to run efficiently without being forced by a School Board of a particular school to reconsider their choice of Principle to head a SMK for whatever reason that they can cook. 

Transferring the new Principle of SMK CBN would only open the flood gates, soon many other School Boards will want their choice of nominees as Principle, later it would be teachers too. When will these requests end? The new school session in 2012 starts soon, let not the students suffer because the School Board do not like the Kementerian's choice as Principle.

Kalau Kementerian Pelajaran tidak percaya, cuba bagi betis, yang lain tentu mahu peha.

Read also Helen Ang's take on the growing controversy here.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Gomen should not repeal AUKU, students go to Universities to study not indulge in politics

It seems some University student activists are bent on forcing the Gomen to repeal the University and University College Act/Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) they want freedom to indulge in politics it seems:

Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia demonstrators who claim that they represent University Students who wants to play with politics, 

Read more on the street demonstration here.

As a parent myself, I do not think that I want to see children who goes to Universities supposedly to earn a good degree lose focus and indulge themselves in politics. You go to a University to earn a good degree so that when you come out you can apply to get interviews for jobs. Once you get a good job do the best you can and once your career is stable maybe you can start thinking about joining politics. University Students should prioritise what they need to do when they enter a University and politics should be the least of their priority.

This is what Dr. Mahathir the man who introduced AUKU  wrote about AUKU. Read it well people especially my Malay student friends. 

Here is good advise from Yusuf Islam:

The Gomen should not bend to pressure, keep the AUKU, 
Students who wants to indulge in politics need not enter Universities.

The American Military is leaving Iraq, when will they leave Afghanistan too

15 Dec 2011: Casing of the Colors signifying the end of US official military presence in Iraq

So it finally  happened, on 15th December 2011, the Americans are formally leaving Iraq which they invaded in 2003, and after nearly nine years, 4,500 American dead, 32,000 wounded and more than $800bn (£517bn) spent, US officials have formally ended the war in Iraq with a highly symbolic ceremony during which an American forces flag was lowered. Read the story here.

All American troops will leave Iraq by 31 December 2011 (Courtesy AP)

For details of the Cost of American lives and dollars read here.

And what about the Iraqis who were killed during the occupation:

The Wikileaks data showed how many died, particularly in the violent sectarian aftermath of the war, with murders as the main cause. That database recorded 109,032 deaths , 66,081 of them civilians, 23,984 insurgents and 15,196 Iraqi security forces. 

The Majority of the Iraqis who suffered tremendously under the invasion and occupation of American led forces would shed no tears for the Americans, of that I am very sure:

Iraqis celebrating the withdrawal of American troops

Rana Walid Hammoud holds a picture of her dead father during a demonstration celebrating the US troop withdrawal in Fallujah, Iraq. Hammoud was killed during a fight with the US army in 2004.

Perhaps George Galloway has the last say:

"Apart from the thousands of their servicemen and women whose lifeblood they are leaving in the sands of Iraq, and the tens of thousands too maimed or otherwise damaged to make it back to home and hearth. And minus the trillion-plus of dollars in treasure they have expended on destroying an Arab country (which may have lost a million souls and seen three millions off into exile), fanning the flames of fanaticism, making Iran more powerful, and unleashing a wave of sectarianism throughout the Muslim world."

"I wrote at the time that the invasion of Iraq would be worse than a crime: it would be the Mother of All Blunders. I told Tony Blair – outside the men’s lavatory in the library corridor of the House of Commons, to be precise – that the fall of Baghdad would be not the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning. And that the Iraqis would fight them, with their teeth if necessary, until they had driven them from their land. I told Blair that there was no al-Qaida in Iraq, but that if he and Bush were to invade there would be thousands of them."

I am now waiting for the American Last Post in Afghanistan. Its really time for the Americans to leave Afghanistan too.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Anwar Ibrahim long sodomy trial closes, Judge to give verdict on 9/1/2012

The Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trial draws to a close today after final submissions by both the  Prosecution and the Defence team. The Judge Datuk Mohd Zabidin Md Diah will deliver his verdict on 9 January 2012 which is only about 3 weeks away. The story here:

High Court to deliver Anwar's verdict on Jan 9

I do not wish to speculate what the Judge's verdict will be, but as an interested citizen who has been following the case since the time when Anwar ran into the Turkish Embassy when news about the alleged sodomy broke out in 2008, I am tempted to say something.

I think the main prosecution witness Saiful's testimony is credible and difficult to challenge and despite relentless cross examination by the defence team lead by the very aggressive veteran lawyer Karpal Singh, the main witness has remained steadfast and unshaken. Saiful's testimony corroborated by physical evidence adduced in the court such as DNA and video evidence etc., that placed the accused at the scene of the crime seems to suggest that the Prosecution has a very solid case. Read here.

The Prosecution's case is made even more solid when the Defence could only offer denials and irrelevant theory of conspiracy to bring down Anwar which would make a good ceramah topic but virtually useless in Court. The one thing that could save Anwar is an alibi which would place him with some one else, or some place else, that is everywhere else, but not at the Condo where the sodomy allegedly happened. Until final submission there has been no alibi defence witness which could put him somewhere else from the scene of the alleged crime. Read here.

Anyway I do not want to speculate on the verdict which will be given on January 9 next year. Life goes on until then and after that date too.

Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim waves to supporters outside the courtroom in Kuala Lumpur on December 15, 2011. — Picture by Choo Choy May
A last happy wave perhaps?

Anwar Ibrahim is charged under Section 377B of the Penal Code 
which carries a sentence of up to 20 years' jail and whipping, upon conviction.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

NFC issue: Finally the grand old man speaketh; Dr. M tells Shahrizat to go

“If we feel it is necessary to quit for the sake of party, we quit. When I wanted to quit, I didn’t ask anyone. I hope others do the same. Don’t wait for people to chase you off.

“Yes, ukur baju di badan sendiri (measure yourself up),” 

It just had to happen finally, Dr Mahathir the Grand Old Man of Malaysian Politics said it loud and clear:

Dr M tells Shahrizat to go

The writing is not just on the wall now, I think Minister Shahrizat better get her exit plan in motion, her days as a senior politician is by all account over, its time to go, PM Najib cannot have her as a winnable candidate not even the safest of safe BN seat in Putrajaya, and I don't think Tengku Adnan would let go of the seat that easy anyway. 

Don't blame me, I think she will have a ghost of a chance to win in Lembah Pantai, Minister Raja Nong Chik have a better chance than her against the incumbent PKR MP Nurul Izzah daughter of Anwar. It seems Shahrizat is still defiant even one day after Dr. Mahathir gave her the goodbye sign, read here.

Speaking of Dr. Mahathir, I sure wish to hear his comments on the aftermath of the secret shareswap between MAS and AirAsia's (Tony F and kawan) with the support of Khazanah and probably tacit agreement of the powers that be. It is garnering too much negative publicity and like the NFC scandal will eventually cause BN a lot of votes overall while only a select few benefits. I am not going to repeat what has been said in the blogs notably here, here, here and here, here and here too.

The secret  shareswap has not done much to turn MAS's fortune though, the stock is at a low RM1.34 now:

Read more here.
This is quite a good post by A Voice:

Read the rest here

Like I was saying just now, I sure wish to hear Dr. Mahathir's view on MAS, Khazanah Corporate maneuvering and Tony F's war against the MAHB. These corporate maneuvering gives BN a very bad name. One should not wonder why the Pakatan politicians has kept mum on the MAS, Air Asia, Khazanah and MAHB issues, why should they make opposition noise, while BN shoots itself in the foot. 

BN leaders, the powers that be, do not get the drift?

Saturday, 3 December 2011

If Nga is let go for his racist statements the DAP stands accused of condoning his actions

From The Mole:

Read more here

The DAP leadership's silence especially that of the father and son junta, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng is certainly deafening. If Nga is not disciplined by the DAP, the DAP stands accused of racial discrimination among its rank and condoning Nga's racist behavior. DAP is deeply and truly a racist party. 

The DAP is not the place for Tunku Aziz, he should resign from the DAP as protest. 

A Menteri should know what to do when the writing is on the wall

The NFC issue will for sure be milked by the Pakatan all the way until the next election, for those Sharizat diehards I tell them that the NFC issue was brought up by the Auditor General, an office of trust and integrity. Lets not give excuses for her and the NFC Management, the more you defend the more you give ammunition to the Pakatan who do not have much issues to play with since YAB President UMNO and Prime Minister of Malaysia came into office replacing his weak predecessor. All those hard work by YAB Najib can be demolished by perceptions of lack of trust and integrity in UMNO due to the NFC issue, make no mistake this is cannon fodder for the Pakatan.

Sharizat cannot divert the issue by saying its got nothing to do with her and unfortunately instead of explaining the issue in detail she choose to divert attention towards her attackers in PKR at the Umno General Assembly a few days ago. 

Lets face it Wanita UMNO is UMNO's backbone, they must be united and they must be lead by a Leader who has no baggage perceived or real. A weakened Wanita will and can cost YAB Najib the 2/3rd majority that BN is yearning for. I want it too but because it will bring political stability to this blessed country.

There are already rumblings after the Umno Assembly:

Read more here.
“Come on, they understand. It is your husband, so what do you mean it has nothing to do with you? If you were not a minister do you think your husband would have gotten the project?”

If Sharizat loves UMNO, she should know what to do. Tepuk Dada Tanya Selera.