Thursday, 16 June 2011

Wannabee Pakatan Street Demonstrators disguised as have been warned

It is clear as light of day that the BERSIH 2.0 street demo planned on 9th July 2011 is just a ruse, an excuse to rally the diehard supporters and a show of "strength" of the  politically depleted Pakatan loose coalition of PKR, PAS and the DAP after the loses in  by-elections and the wallopping PKR and PAS got in the last Sarawak State Elections. 

It is also perhaps a rear guard action by Anwar Ibrahim and his supporters to regain lost political fortune coming at the back of the damaging  Anwar lookalike sex video and Anwar's ongoing sodomy trial revealing details that would surely make even Anwar's staunchest supporters in PKR,PAS and DAP think twice about who is telling the truth. Read what MP Wee Choo Keong has to say about Ambiga the woman behind the BERSIH2.0 demo here.

Surely BERSIH 2.0  cannot be a protest against unfair election practices against the Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya when the loose coalition captured 5 state Government and winning almost all the Parliamentary seats in Wilayah Persekutuan in the last PRU12 in March 2008. Read also Mr. Baradan Kuppusamy's comment here.

Many police reports against the street demo has been lodged against it, read Bernama's report here

I think in a democracy one should be allowed to demonstrate in public so long as it would not disturb the peace and infringe the rights of other citizens to go about on their daily life, we are not like Singapore ruled by the freedom stifling PAP Gomen.

If the people behind BERSIH2.0 namely Anwar, Ambiga and the Pakatan leaders are adamant in having their demo then by all means do it in a Stadium, why not use the Shah Alam Stadium:

...I am sure the YAB MB Selangor would not mind, as there are ample parking and  space for traders to sell food and drinks to the I am sure very hungry demonstrators, and above all the safety of everybody involved and those who do not bother about the demo would be better secured. For the really stubborn leaders here is a warning from the Deputy IGP of PDRM, I believe he means business:

Deputy IGP: No permit to be issued for Bersih rally

Demonstrators who refused to heed the PDRM will have to face the FRU, do not blame the PDRM if you refuse to obey the LAW:

You have been warned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Demo di stadium mana ada oomph?

Namun saya sealiran dengan analisa bro bahawa perhimpunan itu diadakan demi meraih modal politik. Kalau diingat kembali, Bersih 1.0 dulupun diterajui politikus-politikus pembangkang -- Mat Sabu juga, Teresa Kok, Dr Dzul, Dr Syed Azman, Liew Chin Tong, Tian Chua dan para aktivis yang diketahui anti-kerajaan

manakala pelancarannya pada bulan Nov 2006 dihadiri Dr Wan Azizah, Sivarasa, LGE, Nasharudin, Salahudin Ayub dan dif-dif kehormat PAS/PKR/DAP (waktu itu belum lagi ada gabungan Pakatan) yang lain

tuntutan-tuntutan Bersih adalah munasabah kerana proses pemilihan kita memang tidak telus -- terdapat masalah pengundi hantu, undi pos yang 99.9% memihak kepada BN, tempoh berkempen yang terlalu singkat, salahguna 'machinery' kerajaan, rasuah dan sogokan 'gula-gula', taktik-taktik kotor/gertak.

Dan kalau dikatakan oleh WCK yang Ambiga pro-pembangkang, bukankah pengerusi SPR pro-Umno?

Walaupun pada masakini hanya puak pembangkang sahaja yang nampak beria-ia mahu membersihkan kaedah dan pelaksanaan pilihanraya, namun dalam perhitungan jangka panjang keberhasilan usaha-usaha Bersih sebenarnya akan memanfaatkan kita bersama.