Monday 2 May 2016

Pathetic leaders will do what any pathetic person does

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The nazri fella who can't stop kissing and slurping the then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir's hands has done it again:

The following is a copy paste from OutSyed The Box blog:

'I find it amusing that Nazri wants "a match" with a 91 year old man, who has been retired for 13 years now, whose outriders have been removed, who is not allowed to appear on propaganda TV, who is the target of criticism by the entire gomen propaganda machinery, who is being investigated by the Police and so much more.'

Monday, May 2, 2016

It is not appropriate to withdraw Dr Mahathir’s police escort

  • Appropriate to withdraw Dr Mahathir’s police escort, says Nazri
  • move to withdraw police escort for Dr Mahathir is appropriate, says Nazri 
  • Minister added that the security privilege should have been terminated long ago.
  • out of place to provide him with escorts when he is moving around only to condemn the Government that gave him the privilege.
  • we hope he realises that what he has been doing was not in the best interest of the country,” he said.
  • should Dr Mahathir put himself at risk, Government not responsible
  • If he wants a fighting match, we’re game. I am prepared to have a match with him anytime,” 

My comments : Nazri suffers serious lack of intelligence. It is really not worth anyone's effort to rebut him. You can take the peasant out of the village but you cannot take the village out of the peasant.

The question is whether retired prime ministers like Tun Dr Mahathir are entitled to the outriders.  If it is an entitlement (like your pension) then the gomen has no right to withdraw an entitlement.  Retired senior civil servants (above a certain rank) only paid half the airfare to fly on MAS. They were entitled to it. I dont know if they still enjoy this entitlement or it has been removed.

Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn were alive during Dr Mahathir's tenure as PM. After their retirement both the Tunku and Tun Hussein were strong critics of the government. Yet they were never denied their security personnel or outriders. 

Your pension as a retired civil servant is not a privilege. You are entitled to it.  You have already earned it.  I assume all the prime ministers, no matter how stupid some of them were or still are, have already earned whatever entitlements which have been agreed upon for them.

If the gomen withdraws these entitlements it simply means the gomen's word is as good as used toilet paper. In the case of the present gomen this has been proven many times already.

Someone should tell Nazri that the gomen of which he is part, is not acting in the best interests of the country. Nazri should also differentiate his best interests and the country's best interests - they may not be the same.

Another thing about retired heads of state is that they still carry with them a huge number of state secrets. This is why the United States Secret Service provides escort duty to retired presidents as long as they are alive. They fear someone may kidnap a retired president and interrogate him to extract sensitive information.

The same applies for any retired head of state. Police outriders are part of the security escort. It is not a "privilege".

I find it amusing that Nazri wants "a match" with a 91 year old man, who has been retired for 13 years now, whose outriders have been removed, who is not allowed to appear on propaganda TV,  who is the target of  criticism by the entire gomen propaganda machinery, who is being investigated by the Police and so much more.

All these handcuffs on Dr Mahathir are necessary before Nazri feels brave enough to demand a 'match' with him. (If he wants a fighting match, we’re game. I am prepared to have a match with him anytime)  

If these "handcuffs" are removed will Nazri still feel brave ? Or will he piss in his pants? There is an urban legend floating around about something like that. 

Nazri's bosses are corrupted. The last round they garnered only 48% of the votes. They are in the minority. It is not likely that they will do better in the next round.  Lets see how Nazri will survive without his "privileges".

Read in full here.

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