Friday 26 September 2014

The Kajang Move: It ain't over till the fat lady sings

Here's the latest news:

Will the humiliation of getting only 3 exco post for PAS break the camel's back and force PAS go its own way leaving DAP and PKR in the shameless circus they called Pakatan Rakyat?


Will PAS eat the shit dish out by PKR and DAP and suffer fools gladly and just forever remain a donkey just to get non Muslim votes from DAP?

Here is what my blogger sifu say on the latest move by what is now confirmed a remote controlled MB Azmin Ali:

Belittling, Demotion And Punishment Of PAS: A Fool On The Hill!

Hold on to your seats and popcorn people, I believe the Kajang Move is not about to be over in fact, I think it will be prolonged until Anwar Ibrahim move to his new home in Sg. Buloh Jail at the end of October 2014 at the very least.

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